Chapter 18

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It was nearly seven when Lizzie made it back to Charlotte's apartment. As soon as she entered, Charlotte looked her up and down in worry, and upon determining she was safe, grilled her about not answering her phone. It took no time for Elizabeth to explain what had happened with Darcy. She told Charlotte everything, about his meddling with Jane, his terrible attitude, and most of all, his confession.

Charlotte muttered under her breath that she knew it all along, but quickly apologized after Lizzie gave her a dirty look. As a reward for surviving a long and painful day, (more on Lizzie's part,) they ordered Chinese takeout. They put on an action packed superhero movie. Together, they stuffed lo mein in their mouths while the people fought on screen. At the end of the night, when the food was long gone and the movie was over, Lizzie thanked her friend for cheering her up. Charlotte simply smiled and went to bed.

Elizabeth usually could remember her dreams. They were always vivid and bizarre, a jumble of what she had experienced the day prior without making any real sense. However, when she woke up in Charlotte's apartment, her head felt empty. Her dream had slipped through her fingertips. She blamed it on the stress of the day before and the shocking revelations. When Elizabeth sat up from her spot on the couch, she grabbed her phone. The time was 10:30 AM, which meant Charlotte had already been gone for a few hours, and had chosen not to wake Lizzie up. A text notification glowed on the phone screen.

Charlotte, 7:56 AM: I decided not to wake you up. I figured you needed the extra sleep. You can walk over to the office if you want to.

Lizzie texted back.

Lizzie, 10:31 AM: Thanks, I did. I'll work from your apartment today.

Elizabeth didn't bother waiting for Charlotte to text her back. Once her best friend was in the zone, there was no hope pulling her out of it until she was ready. Elizabeth stood from the couch and stretched, standing on her toes and extending her arms over her head. Her shoulders popped and a satisfying tremble ran through her body. She pushed the events of the day prior to the back of her mind and began her morning routine.

Once Lizzie had showered and eaten, she settled down at Charlotte's desk. Elizabeth pulled her laptop from her bag and began working. A hot shower and a bagel was enough to pull her into her work. The words of her article flew out from her fingertips and she was on to editing in no time. Despite Los Angeles being great to work in, this was the most productive she had been the entire week.

Elizbeth usually got about five articles done a week. Many journalists could do more than four a day, but Elizabeth's articles were highly researched and she had a tendency for perfection in her work. The last thing she wanted was an article that spread misinformation. For her, if she was going to devote her passion towards this writing, she better do it right. Despite her need for perfection, today lead her to finish two articles and submit them to online publishers. Only after her submissions were sent did Elizabeth come down from her journalistic high and relax.

The little clock in the bottom right corner of her computer informed her that she had worked through lunch. Her stomach growled, as if reminding her further. Elizabeth pushed herself out from the desk and walked towards the kitchen. She rummaged through the fridge and made a mental note to pay Charlotte back for groceries before she went back to Washington.

Elizabeth was halfway into a grilled cheese when there was a knock at the door. She paused, thinking. It was too early for Charlotte to leave work. She figured it was solicitors and continued eating. There was another knock, and this time, a familiar voice rang from the other side of the door.

"Elizabeth," Darcy said, his voice distant and muffled, "I have something for you. Please, take it, and I'll leave you alone."

The memories of the night before that she had been ignoring all day came back. She walked over to the door and opened it, she stared at him, a mix of frustration and confusion on her face.

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