Chapter 21

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Darcy's house was not what she expected from San Francisco. She expected something streamline and modern, painted a pressure washed white. But instead, the house they stopped at was an intricate Victorian home. Lizzie marveled at the architecture. Jutting out from the corner was a round tower with intricate decorations. The house was a pale blue with white details and Elizabeth couldn't help but think that it looked like her dream home. His green lawn was shaded by a few large and healthy overhanging trees.

Elizabeth stepped out of the car and closed the door behind her, all while staring at the house. She admired the windows and the gabled roofs, only being snapped out of it by Darcy appearing in front of her with her suitcase.

"Oh!" Elizabeth grabbed the handle of her suitcase. "Thank you."

He nodded. "Do you like the house?"

"It's very pretty. Not what I expected though."

"It was my father's. It's over a century old," he looked at Elizabeth, who stared at him in awe. "Don't worry, it's all modern on the inside."

Elizabeth looked at him. He started walking towards the house and there was no smile on his face, but she swore she could hear humor in his voice. She followed him, rolling her suitcase behind her.

Darcy unlocked the door and held it open for Lizzie to step into the house. He closed the door behind them once he got in. "Hold on, I'll get Ginny." He said, walking up the stairs to his left.

Elizabeth stared at her surroundings. There was something undeniably updated and modern about the house, but it was still warm. It wasn't like Charles' penthouse, which was filled with sleek white furnishings and white walls. Instead, the furniture was plush and warm colored, and the walls around her were a forest green. A blanket sat sprawled out on a couch in front of the TV. The house seemed like it was alive and loved, rather than just being a place to stay.

Family pictures lined the wall next to her. She giggled at the portraits. She saw a couple that were done in a studio, with Darcy's father with his arms around both of his kids, but she also saw a steady line of yearbook pictures of both Darcy children. Elizabeth giggled at what she could only assume was Darcy's senior picture. He had a stern stare as he fixed his eyes on the camera in a cheesy tuxedo. She found herself getting lost in the pictures, including one, of a woman with skin darker than Darcy's. The picture looked old and faded, though the shape of the woman's lips and the undertone of her skin made it obvious that she was Darcy's mother. He must have gotten his looks from his mom.

Elizabeth heard someone clear their throat behind her and she whipped her head around to see Darcy and a younger woman. She looked to be around 16 years old. She had dark hair and eyes like her brother, but tanner skin. She looked between the two and could see their similarities in the shapes of their eyes.

Elizabeth smiled. "You must be Ginny."

The young woman smiled and approached Elizabeth. "And you must be Elizabeth Bennet!" she said, "I've heard so much about you from Will." She pulled Elizabeth into a hug.

Elizabeth's eyes widened as long arms wrapped around her. She hugged back, but looked over Ginny's shoulder at Darcy, raising an eyebrow. He rubbed the back of his head and shrugged, smiling at his sister's antics. Lizzie's stomach flipped. That was the first time she had seen him smile. Ginny was lucky to have such a caring brother.

Once Ginny eventually let go, Elizabeth smiled at the younger girl. "So, what has your brother told you about me?"

Elizabeth could see Darcy's eyes widen in her periphery.

Ginny giggled. "He told me that you're very smart and not afraid to speak your mind," she said, "He also told me that you're very pretty, which he didn't lie about."

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