Chapter 10

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Elizabeth and Charlotte were in Lizzie's room. Jane was off substituting another class, and Lizzie's current article had been sent off to an editor to be reviewed. This left time for the two 23 year olds to hang out and listen to music. This also gave Lizzie a chance to tell Charlotte in person about everything that happened since they last saw each other. Charlotte listened diligently to Elizabeth's complaints about living in the same house as Darcy and jokingly offered to beat him up several times. Elizabeth might take her up on it if she knew Charlotte could win.

Lizzie was just about to tell Charlotte about George Wickham's story when her mother knocked on the bedroom door. Mrs. Bennet opened the door before Lizzie could even consent to her coming in. Her mother proclaimed that Lizzie had a visitor and stepped aside, revealing a familiar mop of gelled red hair in a suit. Elizabeth had hoped that family dinner would be the last time she saw Liam Collins, but unfortunately, she just wasn't that lucky. Once her mother walked away, Liam stepped into the room.

"Hello Elizabeth and Charlotte," he said, "I hope you are both having a wonderful day."

Charlotte slowly nodded, and Elizabeth just stared.

"Charlotte, may I please have a word with Elizabeth in private? I know you might want to catch up on our high school days, but that will have to wait for later."

Charlotte stood. "Sure, take all the time you need." She walked to the door frame and glanced at Elizabeth, who's eyes were begging her to stay, shrugged, and walked out, closing the door behind her.

Elizabeth couldn't even get a word out before Liam started talking.

"As you know, I work under the amazing and powerful attorney Catherine De Bourgh, and she has given me tons of advice over the past year that I have been working with her. She said that I have a lot of potential as a lawyer, and similarly, as a mentor. I'm not sure if you know this, but like in Washington, in California you can apprentice with a practicing attorney to become a lawyer instead of going to law school," he looked at Elizabeth, "I have read your articles, many involving businesses not in compliance with environmental law, and decided that you are the perfect candidate. I will take you on as my apprentice, and you will get paid for it." He smiled, proud of himself. "Of course, you would have to move to California, but I will help you with that."

Elizabeth waited for a couple seconds to assure that he was no longer speaking. She took a deep breath. "Liam, are you seriou-"

"I am perfectly serious," he interrupted. "I know that you think you might not be qualified for the job, as you are currently only a small journalist, but I assure you that under my mentorship you will blossom."

"I don't want to be a lawyer, Liam. I like my job now." Lizzie rushed out her words, so that the man in front of her would not have time to interrupt her.

Liam stared at her, and Elizabeth thought he might finally leave, but instead, he laughed. "Oh, I understand. You're just being modest, and I know that." He sat down on the bed next to Elizabeth. "I assure you, the pay will change your life, it's way more than you're making now, I'm sure."

"Seriously, Liam. I'm not interested."

Liam laughed again. "You want me to show you exactly how much the pay is. Smart girl, I can show yo-"

"Liam!" Elizabeth yelled. She stood up, clenching her fists and facing him. "I'm not interested in becoming your apprentice! I mean that when I say it."

His eyes widened in shock as Lizzie's tone, but then his expression settled into confusion. "But Elizabeth, this would be way better than what you are doing now-"

Elizabeth shook her head. "I decide what's good for me, and I like being a journalist. Please leave."

Liam Collins coughed and stood up from his spot on the bed. "Well then, Elizabeth Bennet." He brushed off his suit with his hands, being sure not to look at Lizzie. "Have a wonderful day," he said, and walked out the door.

Lizzie scoffed and fell back onto her bed. What the hell just happened?

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