Chapter 8

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Lizzie shoved the last of her clothes in her suitcase. "I think that's about it," she said. She flipped the lid over the suitcase and zipped it up. She had to lean a bit over the top of it to make sure it shut properly. When she was finished, she hauled it off the bed and propped it up. She wheeled the suitcase out of the guest bedroom, where she saw her sisters and mother sitting in the living room. Elizabeth let go of the suitcase and scurried towards her mom.

Elizabeth looked at her mom. "Hi, Mom," she lowered her voice and leaned in, "I thought you were going to wait outside."

"Well, we decided to come up!" Mrs. Bennet laughed. "Your sisters and I wanted to see the penthouse."

Lizzie groaned and sat down.

"It's very nice," said Mrs. Bennet, looking around. "Where's Jane?"

Charles piped up from the kitchen. "She's still packing, Mrs. Bennet."

Mrs. Bennet nodded. "Thank you, Charles, so much for letting my daughters stay here," she smiled, "I think you are the best thing to happen to Meryton and of course, Jane, in a long time."

Elizabeth shot her mother a frustrated look, but she simply ignored her.

Charles grinned at Mrs. Bennet, "It was no problem, both Lizzie and Jane are great company."

"I hope you are all enjoying Meryton," Mrs. Bennet's eyes flicked over to the breakfast bar, where both Darcy and Caroline were seated.

"I am enjoying it very much," Charles turned his head, "What about you, Darcy?"

"While I enjoyed being here for a bit," Darcy said, looking up from his work at Mrs. Bennet, "I think it's boring compared to San Francisco, where I live."

Mrs. Bennet nearly jumped out of her chair, but Mary grabbed the mother's arm to keep her on the couch. "We have plenty to do here in Meryton," she said, "and Seattle is only a short drive away."

Darcy didn't respond, and only turned his head back to look at his laptop.

Mrs. Bennet smirked victoriously. "I can't see why San Francisco would be any better than here," she said, "I remember Elizabeth mentioning how bad the air quality is there."

Elizabeth cringed, trying to sink in her seat. She didn't want to be roped into her mother's shenanigans.

"I bet you like it much better in Meryton, Charles."

"When I'm here, I enjoy myself to the fullest," said Charles, "and when I'm in California, I do the same. I try to live life as happily as possible no matter where I am."

"I think that's the best attitude to have," she said. She looked over at Darcy, "He may think that our city is nothing at all, but Meryton is a place for those with optimistic attitudes."

Elizabeth whipped her head towards Mrs. Bennet. "Mom!"

Charles continued to smile politely at Mrs. Bennet, but Caroline wasn't as merciful. She gave Darcy a disparaging smile. Elizabeth tried not to flush in embarrassment.

Mrs. Bennet leaned back on the couch, satisfied with what she had said. The silence that filled the room left the perfect place for Lydia to make herself the center of attention.
"Charles, have you thought of throwing a party here?" Lydia asked, grinning. She gestured around the penthouse with her sparkly acrylic nails. "This place is amazing, you know."

Charles looked at Lydia. "I have been thinking about it," he smiled, "Tell me when you are available, and I'll plan it."

Lydia practically squealed, clapping her hands together in excitement. "You're the best," she winked at Charles. "If Jane didn't snatch you up, I think I would have gotten to you."

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