Nobody Else Is Dying Today

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"Well, that was a short travel" Ryan jokes when he spots Severide coming back down the stairs, "you told him?" Severide questions. "In my defence, I thought you would be in South America by now" I mention, "yeah decided not to go with him after all," he tells Ryan.

"Tell me this was after you got my autograph" Ryan brings up.

"What autograph?" Severide questions as Ryan just glares at me, "Severide decided not to go with him way before I could even get the chance to ask him to get the autograph" I defend.

"You wanted an autograph from Brenner?" Severide asks, "he is kind of obsessed with him," I say on behalf of Ryan. 

"Not obsessed, just a fan" Ryan defends, "you know 'fan' comes from fanatic which is what you are" I argue, "Okay smart ass, do we want to talk about backstreet boys?" he warns.

"I will shut up" I finish eating my porridge. 

"Thought so" Ryan smirks.

"What happened with the backstreet boys?" Severide is now intrigued, "yeah you are not finding out that story" I grab my stuff and get ready to go.

Severide and I say goodbye to Ryan before leaving.

"So I am going to pick Gabby up if you want to tag along?" He offers, "I actually might drive by myself to just be with my thoughts" I decline. "Your mom not talking to you like Jess?" He wonders, "no she talks to me but it's more what she doesn't say" I reply.

"Anyway, see you at the firehouse" I don't really want to talk about it.

I climb into my car and start driving.

Wanting to think through my thoughts. 

I have told everyone worth telling about me and Jesse, making it more real. I am going to be Mrs Jesse Harraway very soon. I thought I would be more excited.  

We are already looking for a house and our wedding planning is going well but it all seems like everything is changing too quickly and I am getting lost in it. 

Every now and again, Severide's words go through my mind but since he doesn't want to talk about it and be honest, it just lingers there. 

I am tired of always being the one to make things less awkward.

He wants it lingering in the air then I will leave it lingering. 

I get to the firehouse, get changed before joining the others, taking some fruit from Kidd's plate.

"What in God's name is that?" Mouch asks Otis who is eating something in aluminium packaging. "This is beef jerky mac" Otis announces, "that my friend is disgusting" Mouch speaks for all of us.

"Oh this is the food of the future" he takes out a forkful, "here Olivia try it" he offers, "no thanks, I am planning on keeping my breakfast down today" I push it away.

"Oh come it's packed with lean protein" he defends, "you just add water" he adds, "best science has to offer" he takes another forkful. "Mmm delicious science" Kidd teases, "leave him alone" Hermann chimes in, "if he wants to eat slop in a sack let him" he adds.

"Well that wouldn't be my first choice but we could all stand to be more thoughtful about the food that we eat" Boden also agrees, "good for you for trying something new" he pats Otis' shoulder.

"See" Otis gets confident again, "vision" he smirks.

"Well, I would be eating healthier if someone wasn't eating my fruit" Kidd jokes, looking right at me, "we can share if you want" I offer her the half-eaten apple. "Next time" she chuckles, "suit yourself" I take another big bite.

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