Sixty Days

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"So when it comes to the rig, that is Lewis' domain" Cruz fills in Kannell, who Casey managed to get to join our squad. "She has a system on how she organises it" he continues, "so when we are not on call, don't touch anything unless you run it by her first or else you will be dead man" he warns. 

"You make me sound like such a control freak" I walk over and the guys go silent.

"So it doesn't matter if I touch something while not on call?" Kannell questions, "no it matters very much" I reply. "Like Cruz said, I have a system so unless we are on call, no one touches the rig" I explain. 

"Got it" Kannell nods, chuckling because he doesn't know if we are serious or not.

"As for the bunks they are kind of first come first served but everybody kind of has a favourite" Cruz continues. "The mattress nearest the locker room smells like low tide" Capp chimes in, "good to know" Kannell's nose scrunches up at the thought.

"So uh" Kannell starts, "Severide isn't taking any time off?" He brings up. A decision which I am against but of course Kelly won't hear it because he keeps insisting that he is fine.

"No" Cruz answers, "and we're glad" Cruz adds. "You guys are glad" I correct, "it's better if we can keep an eye on him" Cruz ignores me, "he doesn't really take good care of himself" he adds. 

"Got that right" Capp comments. 

"I can relate-" Kannell is interrupted by Kelly bursting through the doors, clearly overheard the whole conversation.

"Hey! What is it? Nap time already?" He remarks, "get your asses in gear! I want these tanks topped of at 4500 PSI and test your regulators!" He orders.

"Your fault he's angry" I mouth to Cruz before starting to fill up my oxygen tank.

"Good morning Lieutenant" Kannell stands up, "I just wanted to say thanks for taking a chance on me" he offers his hand. "I won't let you down" Kelly shakes his hand, "yeah I hope not" he replies.

"I also wanted to extend my condolences" big mistake Kannell.

"Your visor's filthy Kannell" and there is typical Severide, "there's wipes on the dash" he walks off. 

"Don't take it to heart" I hand him the wipes, "he is never really good at handling emotions" I explain and Kannell nods. "Lots of talking there Lewis and not enough checking!" Kelly calls me out, "my apologies Lieutenant" I get back to my tanks.

"Also, about your little system" he walks back over, "I don't like it and I want everything to be stacked the old way" he instructs. 

Okay, where is this coming from? He never complained before. 

"But-" I try to say.

"That was on order Lewis" he interrupts me.

"Copy that Lieutenant" I remember that he is grieving so I bite back my instinct to argue. 

"Good" he walks off completely. 

"Thanks for that Cruz" I smack the back of his leg with the pump, "I didn't do anything" he jumps back. "You obviously pissed him off" I argue, "yeah or maybe your system is shit" he fires back. 

"What was that?" I stand up. 

"Nothing, I love your system" he backs down once we are face to face. 

"Thank you" I smirk before going back to the tanks.

"Joe Cruz" Connie walks in, "Chief wants to see you in his office" she says, "coming Connie" Cruz follows after her. 

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