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"BATTALION 25, ENGINE 51, TRUCK 81, SQUAD 3, AMBULANCE 61!" The siren wakes us up from our peaceful sleep. We all rush outside, still groggy from being woken up, jumping into our gear and get going to the scene.

For all of us to be called out means that we are in for a treat.

I fight to keep my eyes open, yawning every five seconds.

"How far are we?" Kelly puts his helmet on, "about 5 blocks" Tony replies, "you guys smell that?" Kelly leans out the window and we do the same.

You can smell the smoke as though the fire is steps away.

"I think we got ourselves a working fire" Kelly warns and this wakes me up instantly, can't be drowsy when we got a fire causing this much distress.

"Copy that Lieutenant" we reply.

"Guess we are not getting any shut-eye tonight" Cruz comments as I tie my hair back into a tight lower bun since it had come apart while I slept.

"I want us ready to go the second we touch down!" Kelly instructs, "no half-assery" he adds.

"You got it Lieutenant" we respond and I put my helmet back on.

We get to the warehouse and it is completely engulfed in flames, smoke pouring out from the roof and the fire blows out of every window.

Not a corner untouched.

When we get out, we immediately hear the screams and cries of people inside. Teenagers running out from the warehouse somehow, managing to escape, all dressed like they are at a party. This means we are looking at multiple victims.

"What is this place a club?" Kelly asks, "the place just went up" one of the victims informs us. "How many inside?" Boden questions, "I don't know 50 or 60" he panics, "a lot" he starts to cough from the smoke.

The fire keeps surging, not showing any signs of slowing down.

"51, you get 2 lines inside and you hold that fire until we evacuate!" Boden orders, "Ambo 61 is triage" he continues. "We need to move fast and save as many as we can" he looks over at the rest of us.

That's all we need to hear as we mask up and go in.

Kelly leads us to one of the entrances, we can see the hands of the victims inside, banging as they try to open the door.

"Halligan!" He orders and I hand him the halligan and he tries to pry open the door, the screams intensifying as the victims keep yelling for help. "Come on!" Kelly yells to himself as he struggles to open this door, getting more agitated when it won't budge.

Kelly finally gets the door open and the victims run out, falling over and trampling all over each other.

"Hey slow down! Slow down!" Kelly instructs. We help the victims that fell stand up and make their way over to triage.

"All right let's go!" Kelly instructs once the victims by the door are escorted outside, we follow him in. Immediately feeling the heat from the fire as we brace ourselves for the worst.

The fire is raging, taking no prisoners today.

"FIRE DEPARTMENT! CALL OUT!" We yell and we hear a girl coughing and screaming for help, following the voice into another room, we spot the girl lying on the floor, coughing and screaming for help.

"81!" Kelly grabs their attention, "we have a victim over here" he points out, "got her" Otis runs over to her.

"Cruz! You grab this search line and tie it up!" Cruz does so and we all join up on the search line. "81 take right and Squad will take left" Kelly instructs, "let's go" we make our way towards the left.

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