My Miracle

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"You hear anything from Jesse?" Jess asks over breakfast, "no" I shake my head, "but his voicemail isn't blocked up which means he is listening to our messages and deciding to ignore them" typical Jesse.

"But what about the blood?" Jess points out. 

"What do you mean?" I question.

"What if it's not Jesse listening to the messages because he's dead?" She theorises, "he's not dead" I dismiss. "You don't know-" she starts, "he's not dead" I repeat, "I refuse to even think about him or Rachel being dead." 

"Okay" Jess gives up. 

"Does Cruz still hate me?" I change the topic, "yeah" she nods, "and it has made our relationship so awkward" she admits. "Obviously you're my best friend so I stand by you" she continues, "which he doesn't like" she rolls her eyes.

"If you need to talk bad about me to make him feel better then go for it" I shrug, "I don't want to be the reason why you guys break up" just because my love life is in ruins, doesn't mean that Jess' love life has to be as well. 

"You won't be the reason" she assures me, "the reason will be that he is becoming such a pain in the ass" she adds. 

"Jess!" I exclaim, "it's true" she doesn't take it back, "all he does is complain and moan and I am not used to dealing with it" she admits. "See this is exactly the reason I didn't do monogamy" she puts our dishes in the sink, "because I am so bad at being a girlfriend" she beats herself up.

"Are you joking?" I comment, "you are the best girlfriend that he can possibly have." 

"How do you deal with it?" She turns back to me, "deal with what?" I question. "All the anger, I am always the person that he takes it out on" I know the feeling. 

"He's going through something tough right now" I reply, "sometimes you have to keep on loving them even when they make you want to throw your head underneath a firetruck" I continue. "Because there will come a point when they realise what an asshole they are being and then they will return to the man you fell in love with" I assure her.

"Kelly back to the man you fell in love with?" She questions. 

"Nowhere near" I shake my head, "but I still love him and I will be there for him even when he doesn't want me to and you should do the same."

"Why are relationships so complicated?" She sighs.

"I don't know" I shrug, "but they are worth it" I reassure her before grabbing my stuff and making my way to the firehouse. 

As I am getting changed into my uniform, Mouch walks over to me. 

"Cruz say anything to you yet?" He asks, "no, I haven't talked to him" I reply, "why? Should I be worried?" I put all my stuff in the locker. "Yes you should be" he answers before Truck and ambo get called out. 

Bracing myself, I walk over to the squad table, Cruz already glaring at me. 

"Hey, Cruz-" I start, "go to hell Lewis" he cuts me off, mumbling under his breath.

"Good chat," I remark before going over to the rig, tired of the guys acting like little boys. 

"SQUAD 3, PERSON IN DISTRESS!" The siren goes. 

"I don't care about any hostilities" Kelly starts, "on calls, you have each other's backs" he instructs, addressing everyone but really talking to Cruz and me no doubt. 

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