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Because of the drama between Chief and Chief Anderson, he decided to transfer some of us to different houses to get under Boden's skin. 

This explains why I am headed to Firehouse 53 instead of 51.

Taking a deep breath, I make my way into the Firehouse. Feeling very outnumbered as I do not see a female face in the entire Firehouse. They all seem to stop what they are doing and stare at me like some piece of meat.

I tug my coat closer to my body, feeling naked under their gaze. 

Trying to smile to at least make a good impression but they don't seem interested in knowing me, probably knowing why I am here and finding the situation funny. 

"Hey, I'm Olivia Lewis" I walk up to some of the firefighters who have Squad written on their shirts, "I am going to be joining you guys on Squad" I force my friendliest smile, offering my hand but none of them takes it.

"Don't be mean to the girl" a guy walks up behind me, he's an officer because of his bugles, "she's probably nervous as it is" he adds. 

"It's always nerve-wracking starting at a new house" I admit.

"Timothy" he offers his hand, "Lieutenant Timothy" he adds, "Olivia Lewis" I shake his hand. "Are you the squad Lieutenant?" I hope, "no I am" a familiar voice comes from behind me.

Turning around, I have to bite back a groan when I notice that it's Brad, the dumbass that pushed me down the stairs at training. Also, the guy who Kelly punched on my behalf, it's fair to say he is not my biggest fan.

I thought they kicked him out of the department.

"Brad, it's good to see you again" I don't want to make any enemies, "don't lie to me" he smirks, "and it's Lieutenant Williams to you," he tells me. 

"Yes Lieutenant" I nod. 

"Brad, give the girl a break" Timothy comes to my defence, "give her a break when he jeopardised my career!" Brad glares and I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"She's the reason I was suspended," he tells the squad team.

"That's not true" I interject, "did I ask you to talk?" He snipes. "Well if you are going to talk about me like I'm not here then at least tell the truth," I remark, "still got a big mouth on you" he smirks. 

"Guess falling down the stairs didn't knock the attitude out of you" he taunts.

"You mean when you pushed me down the stairs?" He has made it clear there is no point being friendly, "because you were too afraid to lose to a girl" The Squad guys and Timothy tighten their lips so they don't laugh.

"How about you stop running your mouth" Brad steps up to me, "and then wipe this place down till every surface is reflective" he orders, "yes Lieutenant" I bite back a snarky response. Who knows how long I am going to be here so I have to control my mouth.

"I'll give you a tour" Timothy leads me away, "thank you for treating me like a human," I say, "don't worry about those guys" he assures me. 

"The second Brad found out that you were coming here" he starts, "he definitely was not singing your praises to the others" he informs me. "The man is so far up his own ass, I don't think he sees anyone else" I rant, "oh sorry I didn't mean-" I hope he doesn't tell Brad.

"Don't worry, you're right he's a jerk" Timothy agrees with me, "and I definitely won't tell him what you just said" he laughs.

"Thanks" I appreciate it.

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