Chapter 1

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Hi guys! Welcome to the sequel. If you have not read Spy School Goes to FunJungle, I recommend you do before reading this. Thanks for reading my book guys! I'm happy that someone is reading my stuff. Also, I have not read Tyrannosaurus Wrecks yet. (I'm dying to) so this take place before Tyrannosaurus Wrecks. Comment: Which is your favorite Stuart Gibbs book? Enjoy!

"I love you Ben," Erica said.

"I, uh, I love you too," I stuttered.

She pulled me in close.

I woke up in my hotel room. I just had a dream about what Erica did to me in FunJungle two days ago.

J.J. McCracken invited us to stay in the best rooms of his hotel. He gave us life-long free passes to the park and told us that we could come and have fun whenever we would like.

I ordered room service silently, not to wake Erica up.

"Hello, this is room 3402. May I have one premium morning steak with mustard and a small smoked broiled salmon and onions? Also one chicken caesar salad and lemon steamed lobster salad. Thank you!"

I didn't want Erica to wake up, so I stood in front of the door so that the staff won't ring the bell. And 2 minutes later a man dressed in a suit came with a big tray of food. I took the tray and thanked the man.

I put the food on the table and went to the minibar. I opened the huge refrigerator and took out two bottles of pure fruit smoothies.

"Erica, it's time to eat breakfast," I gently shook Erica awake.

"Wha-? Oh Ben, um thanks," she woke up, rubbing her eyes.

I took a seat and picked up my fork and knife. I cut a piece of steak and smeared it with a bit of mustard, then popped it into my mouth. I was the juiciest piece of meat I've ever tasted.

"Why are you smiling?" Erica demanded coldly.

"The meat is super good," I told her.

I cut another piece and put it onto Erica's salad.

"Just because I told you I love you doesn't mean we're dating. You're sharing food with me," she said sternly.

"If you don't want it, I'll have it," I shrugged.

"Never mind," she said and popped the meat into her mouth. "This really isn't bad."

I smiled and finished the rest of my steak. I reached for my plate of salmon. Erica finished her chicken salad and was quickly devouring the lobster salad.

"Can I have a piece of lobster?" I asked.

Erica gave me a glare, then passed me a piece of lobster. I put it into my mouth and chewed. Everything here was so tasty.

We quickly finished up the rest of the food, and the staff came and cleaned up our plates. I took a sip out of my smoothie and looked at my phone. I had a text from Cyrus. He told me to come to his room.

I walked across the hallway to Cyrus's room. He was listening to the radio. It was blaring about mysterious missiles that blew up above the ocean.

"You're late," Cyrus told me.

"No, I'm 23 seconds early," I replied, glancing at my watch.

Cyrus shrugged and motioned for me to take a seat on the leather couch. He passed me a note.

For Benjamin Ripley's eyes only

Dear Benjamin Ripley,

Congratulations, you have been awarded the Nathan Hale Award for outstanding spy work. Once you return to Washington DC, you will be awarded the medal in the annual ceremony. We would like to congratulate you again for your great accomplishments.

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