Chapter 3

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Hi guys, I'm back with another chapter! Please enjoy! Thanks for reading as always. I'm happy that some people actually like my books! 

"Alright Erica, we're landing now," Catherine told us.

"Okay, mom," Erica said.

We walked out of our room, and stood single file on the hallway. Soon, Mike and Zoe got out of their rooms, holding hands.

The jet landed smoothly, thanks to Cyrus. The original pilot, who was in the cockpit with Cyrus as a sub-pilot, looked with great amazement in his eyes as Cyrus landed the jet perfectly while having his legs crossed and checking his hair.

"Come on out quick, I'm tired," Cyrus said crankily.

"Let's go to the hotel quickly," Mike was enjoying the luxurious trip.

"It's a five star hotel by the ocean," Catherine explained. "It's the best hotel in the Tokyo bay area!" Obviously Catherine was also very excited.

That was when another big jet landed on the airfield adjacent to ours. Summer, Teddy, Violet, Chip, and Jawa came out from it.

"Alright, commander Ripley, what do we do next?" Jawa teased.

"You, O'Shea, do 30 push ups now," I teased back.

Jawa got on the floor and finished his 30 push ups and saluted to me.

"Good job O'Shea, now move your task force to checkpoint 1, the hotel," Jawa and I were enjoying playing military.

All 3 groups moved to the hotel by bus. The hotel was a 50 story building, soaring up at the sky.

"Whoa, that's our hotel? Awesome," Zoe exclaimed with excitement.

"We get the best suite in the hotel, it's on the 48th floor!" Catherine chimed in. It was followed by many oohs and ahs until Cyrus told everyone to shut up.

"We're going to get some rest today," Cyrus announced. "Enjoy your rest, you'll get a lot today."

But what Cyrus meant by a lot of rest was half an hour of sleep. I woke up from my brief nap, still very tired and jetlagged.

"Our task in Japan is to make up a plan, and investigate the situation in the country. Japan seems to be putting moderate effort against the virus. Shops and restaurants are mostly open. The situation seems somewhat fine." Cyrus explained. Teddy yawned loudly and received a glare from Cyrus. "We'll quickly do some reconnaissance. SPYDER knows we're here. They could be anywhere. Anyway, watch out for SPYDER and get more information about the virus."

With that, everyone grabbed their stuff and headed out of the hotel. I had matching sunglasses with Teddy. He gave me a high-five.

Teddy, Violet, Summer, and I decided to go up North. We put on our masks, and got on the bus. We were acting perfectly like tourists. Some lady mistaken me for a famous Hollywood actor and wanted my autograph. I told her that I was not an actor and the lady quickly apologized.

We arrived at a huge tower called Skytree. It was the second tallest tower in the world after the Burj Khalifa. It was an impressive sight.

A elderly man came up to us and offered to take a photo of us. We accepted and he took a nice photo of us standing in front of the tower. He gave our phones back to us and said, "Welcome to Japan," in a Japanese accent. We thanked him and took the chance to ask him about the coronavirus.

"The situation is growing worse in Japan." He told us that he was a virologist working for a lab called Kumo. He offered to take us to the lab where he was studying the coronavirus.

Spy School Virus OutbreakHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin