Chapter 8

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Hi, I'm back again, and this chapter is a short one, but a sweet one. I know many of you were waiting for THIS. (Wink, wink, ahem, be....ri...ahem, ca....)

We got sucked out of the plane in less than a second, and I was ready to die. I guess it is nice that I get to die with Erica though.

I was still gripping Erica's hand, and found my other hand in Erica's other hand. Erica was looking straight into my eyes.

I was embarrassed, making me look at my shoes. It wasn't a great idea. I could see almost nothing, and the wind was too strong, so I just closed my eyes. But even with my eyes closed, I could feel Erica coming closer and closer to me.

Then I did really feel it. Her breath brushed against my face and I took a deep breath. I tasted Erica's tongue. It was warm.

I finally opened my eyes, but saw that Erica was closing hers. We didn't pull away until we started to slow down. I opened my eyes again, and saw Erica's eyes right in front of mine. She quickly pulled away and looked up and shrugged. There was an open parachute above us.

"I said don't worry, didn't I?" Erica smirked at me.

I had nothing to say, and we still had our arms wrapped around each other when we hit land. I didn't know where we were, but we were alive, and for a moment, I realized how valuable life is.

"Why are you just standing there? We have to find our way to civilization. If you're thinking about what happened in the skies, we'll talk later. Now, focus," Erica told me, but it wasn't her usual cold tone. What happened to Erica?

"Okay, let me see, when did the flight start?" I asked Erica, who reached for her phone, but found nothing in her pocket.

"I think it was around 0900 hours," Erica replied. I glanced at my watch, and calculated.

"So it has been around 40 minutes, ow!" My wound started to hurt. I grunted and popped a pain killer into my mouth. "And multiply that to the velocity of the plane, and the average velocity would most likely be around 2000 km/h, and, we're on land, meaning, we're somewhere in central Korea."

"Whoa, nice commander, real smooth," Erica wiggled her eyebrows.

"Ha, I forgot I was leading this mission," I also wiggled my eyebrows.

"Alright enough of this, we'll have to head East, I believe," Erica said.

"No, I think North is a better option. Seoul is in the Northern parts of South Korea." I said.

"Thinking of which, I've been to North Korea a few times, but this is actually my first time in South Korea!" Erica told me.

"You've been to NK?" I exclaimed.

"A few times, Cyrus decided to go undercover there for fun," Erica shrugged.

"Wow, what kind of family goes to North Korea to spy for fun?" I widened my eyes.

"Let's just head North, alright?" Erica suggested and with the help of the Sun, we found out which direction is North and started our long journey.

Every few minutes, Erica would take a small sip of water from her emergency water supplement. I didn't have one, so we had to share. I mean we just kissed, so it's not much of a big deal, right? I'm sharing drinks with Erica Hale, probably the first boy to! Such a great honor, I would say.

We were getting hungry, but did run across a badger, two rabbits, and a lot of mosquitos.

I got tired after 2 hours of hard walking and we were still far from civilization. We needed water, and thankfully there was a clean lake nearby.

"What do you think happened to Cyrus, Alexander, and Ashley?" I asked Erica, taking a long gulp of water.

"Ashley and my dad probably found a way out, and took Cyrus with them," Erica replied. "I wonder when we can reach Seoul."

"Probably soon," I replied. "Maybe we'll head West a bit now."

"Sounds good to me, commander," Erica gave me a grin and we changed directions.

After another hour of walking we came across signs of human activity. But it wasn't normal human activity, it was a long line of barbed wire. I looked at Erica. She opened her mouth to say something, but a gunshot sounded from far away.

That was finally when I started to doubt my calculations.

Oh, was Ben wrong! Tell me in the comments about your thoughts.

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