Chapter 7

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Hi everyone, I'm back! *Yay* This chapter will not be a very long one, but I have the next chapter started, so I guess, *Yay* Anyway, enjoy!

Kira and Dash watched in disgust as the blood-covered slimy bullet came straight out of my leg, along with a good chunk of flesh.

"Eww, that's uh," Kira looked like she was about to barf. Dash was simply covering his eyes. "Has this happened before?"

"Yeah, I've been shot a few times," I replied, trying to hide the pain. "Doesn't hurt as much as you expect. So don't let that get into your way. Fear can take so much, and in reality, it doesn't really matter."

"Um, okay," Teddy muttered. "I didn't know spying would be like this. But I guess I can't quit now."

"Trust me, it's nothing to worry about, ow!" I yelped as Erica sanitized my wound again.

"Are you okay?" Kira asked, still covering her eyes.

"Just fine," I answered.

"Alright, you're done, coward," Erica gently punched my back and I got up, limping badly.

"Uh, I should've jumped her earlier," Erica swore under her breath.

"You better watch your language, lady," Catherine appeared at the door. She eyed Alexander and Ashley, who were tied up to a chair with a gun pointed at them.

"U-uh, h-hi," Alexander put on a smile. Catherine responded with a big blow to his right, which knocked him out instantly.

Then, Catherine smiled and greeted us. "Hi Benjamin, I see that your wound isn't too bad. And this is Dash and Kira? We've received their files from the CIA database, so now we know much about them. We'll take them in as temporary agents for now."

"Okay, sounds good," Dash grinned. Kira didn't look as happy as Dash.

"Um, so, we're being recruited?" Kira asked.

"Sweety, if you don't want to, you can stay out of it, but if you tell anyone about us being spies, we'll have to follow the 3rd option in the Grand Book of Executing Prisoners. Basically it's a list of ways of killing people." Catherine said, passing me a muffin. Erica put her hands towards Catherine for a cupcake, but Catherine simply said, "No, it's for Ben."

I split the muffin in half and passed one to Erica and shrugged. She looked at it, and took it, then popped the whole thing into her mouth. Darn, she must've been hungry. So I passed her the other half of the muffin, and Erica took that one as well, after a pause.

Meanwhile, Catherine was explaining the infamous '3rd option'. "So, first dislocating both of the person's legs, then using a taser to paralyze parts of the body, then disemboweling the person, and putting an explosive bomb pill down their throat. It would explode in their body, and farewell!"

"Alright, um, I guess I'll be a spy?" Kira said. "I mean, it can't be too bad."

"Good choice!" Catherine smiled and looked at the rest of us. "I have a truck ready for us down the street, and we just have to act like normal people. For Ben, we'll need a pair of crutches, which we don't have, so Teddy, can you help Ben, oh right! I meant Erica, not Teddy. Erica, please help Ben."

Erica turned very red and helped me. I put an arm around her neck and we started walking down the street slowly. I had my wound covered with my trousers, so nobody thought it was very suspicious. Some people looked at us and offered help, but we just kindly said no, saying that it was a sprained ankle.

I slumped down on the back seat and the truck started driving to wherever. I was too tired to think, and I was falling asleep, and all the energy drained out of me.

"Ben! Ben!" Mike shook me awake.

"Where in the world am I?" I asked, looking around.

"Where do you think you're in?" Mike asked.

"Just tell me," I pleaded.

"We're headed to Shanghai, China," Mike smirked and opened the curtains, revealing a nice clear sky and an amazing view of the islands of Western Japan. "Erica told us about the lead you got about the wertuflenium thing being sent to Shanghai."

"This is the same plane?" I asked.

"Yup, and this time, Alexander and Ashley are in the back cargo, tied up. There is no escape other than the front door, which is guarded by Zoe," Mike replied. "Want a coke?"

"No thanks, has Cyrus interrogated them yet?" I asked Mike.

"He's doing that right now, in the cargo," Mike replied.

"Oh, poor Alexander, he's in a lot of trouble," I said.

"Dude, you have way too much sympathy. You should hate Alexander! He made his reputation using you, and now he's turned to SPYDER!" Mike exclaimed.

"Well, I guess so," I nodded, and headed for my cup of water. "I wonder what we would do to them, send them to prison, maybe?"

"Naw, they'll escape with ease," was Mike's reply.

"True-" I was cut off by the alarm.

"Beep! Beep! Cargo oxygen level low. Oxygen level is low! Beep! Beep!" the jet alarm rang.

"False alarm, maybe?" Catherine said as she poked her head out of the cockpit. "Erica, can you go check?"

I decided to follow Erica to see what was happening. Erica looked annoyed, but went to the cargo. I was thinking of the consequences. Maybe a false alarm? That is most likely. But what if it was real? That means, maybe, just maybe there was an opening? Or maybe the window broke open...

Erica walked casually to the door and pulled out her key. Zoe wasn't at the door, probably in the bathroom. That's when the thought struck me. If there was an opening, such as an opened window, that would mean the air would be sucked out of the jet, like a vacuum cleaner! As soon as Erica opens the door, she might be forced out of the jet due to air pressure!

"Beep," the door rang as it opened with a click. Erica swung the door open and we saw it. The room was empty.

"Wha-Oh!" The air pressure started to pull Erica towards the big opening at the back. The wind slapped me everywhere, and I was barely holding on to the door.

"No!" I screamed. I tried to reach her with my hand, but it wasn't working. I had to choose. I risk it by letting go of the door and trying to save Erica, or just go the safe way, stay, and call for help.

"Erica was being pulled fast. She was desperately holding on to a wall-mounted cabinet. She opened it, and papers, candy, and many things started to fly out the door at the back. It was getting harder and harder to breathe and the air was very thin. I was thinking of a plan on what to do, but the wind overtook me.

I went flying across the cargo room and was inches away from the big opening. I held on to the floor, but the wind moved me slowly towards the hole. My fingernails were scratching the metal floor of the cargo, making a squeaking sound. I searched for a place to grab on to, but didn't find any, other than one place. Erica's hand was stretched out to me, and I grabbed it tight.

Erica's grip on my hand tightened and it cracked my bones, but her grip on the cabinet was loosening. My eyes widened, but she mouthed to me, "Don't worry."

I desperately looked for somewhere else to grab on to, and found none. Erica took a deep breath. I didn't even have time to take a deep breath, because before I could, I gasped.

Erica let go.

Oh no! That's all I have to say. Poor Ben... 

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