Chapter 6

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Sorry for the late update guys, I'm starting to write a little again! I'm really busy these days though cuz we're gonna move soon so we're packing. Also, a lot of people thought that the person who walked out of the door was Joshua Hallal, but he's dead. Like DEAD dead. (He dies in the first book with Murray if you haven't read it) Anyway, enjoy it!

I was almost 100% sure that I saw Alexander Hale before passing out, but I tried to shake off the thought. Erica didn't seem to have noticed that.

"Damn it, who even was that?" Erica snapped, completely annoyed.

"Ashley and um," Teddy stopped.

"Who?" Erica demanded.

"Nothing," Teddy muttered. "I didn't see."

"Well, now you see!" A figure appeared on the door. "It is I, the one and only Alexander Hale!"

"Dad?" Erica looked horrified, but changed to her normal look a second later.

"I knew it," I muttered.

"Um, who's that?" Dash asked.

"That is Alexander Hale. He is the crappiest spy in the CIA and now he is a double agent for SPYDER. Wow, even more crappy, dad," Erica announced.

"That's your dad?" Kira looked confused.

"Yeah, I bet SPYDER bribed you?" Erica said and shrugged.

"H-how did you know?" Alexander stuttered.

"Classic SPYDER," I murmured.

"Well, you guys left me and enjoyed all the luxury without me! When SPYDER came and offered me a deal, of course, I had to take it! Plus, I get a bonus of 230,000 dollars! I mean if they work," Alexander started daydreaming about how he could buy a Lamborghini with the money.

"I'll never let anyone drive it but me! Hahaha, oww!" Alexander yelped. Ashley had smacked his head.

"Enough with the car talk, and oh hi!" Ashley waved at us in a very "cheerful" way. "It seems like you've made some friends here!" Ashley pointed at Dash and Kira.

"Yes, this is Daniel and Kyrie," I introduced them, not revealing their real names. Dash and Kira just nodded and waved.

"It seems like you're a super nice person!" Kira rolled her eyes at Ashley and put on a fake smile.

"Oh yeah, I'm real nice," Ashley growled and kicked Kira, who whimpered.

Dash went to check over Kira, who was limping and had a swollen leg. Teddy and I were just looking hopeless.

"Also I know who those two are," Alexander said. "Dash and Kira, was it? Nice to meet you two, I'm Erica's dad, Alexander."

"And Ripley here has thwarted our plans last time-" Ashley started but was interrupted by Erica.

"You mean last time and the past, hmm, 8 times?" Erica smirked at me. I didn't know what was going on.

"Okay, well how annoying! He's destroyed three quarters of our wertuflenium! But guess, what? We have just enough to bring global chaos!" Alexander roared with laughter. "You still haven't realized? You have a bug in your pocket!"

I emptied my pockets to find two bubble gum wrappers and a small device. It was a location tracker. Teddy had one in his shoe, and Erica in her belt.

"I knew you were coming all along!" Alexander started laughing again and Ashley also started giggling

"It really must suck being a spy, but probably way worse being with your organization!" Dash said.

"Well, it's awesome being a spy, but even better being with SPYDER!" Alexander said as he whipped out a gun and pointed it at me. "It might as well be time we eliminate our worst enemy!"

Alexander was obviously trying to look cool, but his hands were trembling and he had sweat dripping down his hair. He was a nervous wreck.

"Don't you dare," Erica warned Alexander sternly. "If you touch even his hair, I will hunt you down and kill you. I don't care that you're my dad, because you obviously don't care that I'm your daughter."

"Oh, I won't kill you, sweetheart, I'll only kill him. We're going to kill one person here," Alexander pointed the gun this time directly at my head.

"Then kill me instead," Erica muttered.

"What?!" I yelped. "No, no, no, no, no..."

Alexander looked as surprised as me.

"What are you doing? You said you'll kill one person. So why not kill me?" Erica shrugged and raised her eyebrows.

"No, I will kill him," Alexander cocked the bolt of his old-style rifle.

"No, if you do it," Dash gritted his teeth. "I'm not forgiving you."

"Well, I'm doing it anyways, so you might as well say bye to Ben!" Ashley said cheerfully and looked at my eyes and said, "Bye Ben!"

"Bye Ben!" Alexander chirped in. Alexander put down his rifle and instead Ashley pulled out her pistol.

"I remember Ashley wanted to kill you, so I'll let her do it," Alexander grinned.

"Okay, if this is really happening, bye Ben. I really don't want this happening," Teddy muttered.

"Sacrifices have to be made," I muttered.

"Ben, I just met you. You can't just leave," Kira said.

"Ben, thanks a lot," Dash murmured.

I was expecting something nice from Erica, but instead she didn't say anything. But something I saw her do made me smile.

"Well bye Ben!" Ashley pointed the gun at my nose. "Bye!"

"Bye Ashley," Erica cut her off. "Bye!" Erica had broken free of her hand cuffs.

Erica lunged for Ashley's arm and caught her by surprise. She pulled the trigger, and the bullet hit my leg, which was very painful.

Erica punched Ashley's jaw and she dropped to the floor. Alexander hastily jumped for his gun, but Erica was quicker.

"Stop where you are," Erica ordered, one hand on Ashley's throat and one hand on Ashley's gun. The gun was pointed directly at Alexander and Ashley was turning all purple.

Alexander put his hands up in surrender. Erica knocked Ashley out and ordered Alexander to let all of us free. Alexander did as he was told. Then, he gave back all our weapons and we handcuffed him.

Then, we heard a voice. First, I thought it was more SPYDER agents, but it wasn't. The sound was coming from my utility belt. I dug into it and found a small speaker.

"Benjamin, can you hear me?" came a sweet voice from the speaker.

"Yes Catherine," I replied. Oh boy, how do I explain this mess?

"Are you okay? Anything happening?" Catherine asked.

"Nothing much, we got captured but escaped and we have two prisoners; Ashley and um, Alexander," I told her. I was expecting her to reply with something like 'What?' or 'Alexander?!' but instead she just said, "Oh okay, Alexander was really working for SPYDER."

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Oh, the hotel cleaning staff found a SPYDER file folder under Alexander's sheets. Worst place to hide an important document, I would say," Catherine said.

Alexander was turning beet red. "Where else would I put it?"

"Also, ow, um, OW, uh, where are you?" I asked.

"Benjamin, are you okay?" Catherine asked.

"I just got shot in the leg, other than that, I'm fine," I replied.

"Oh okay," Catherine said. "We're heading to your location. We'll be there by, hmm, let's see, 21 minutes."

"Alright, see you, ow, then." I said.

Erica pulled the bullet out of my leg and sanitized the wound. She then put a bandage over it and wrapped it with some cloth. 

I'll try to write more now! Please stay in tune for more chapters! :)

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