Chapter 2

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Hi guys, welcome to another chapter. Dash and Violet from Moon Base Alpha will join the story from around Chapter 4 by the way. I'm excited about it! Thanks for reading guys, I hope you like it! :) Enjoy!!!

"Well, what do you want to talk about?" Erica quickly changed the topic.

"I don't know," I replied. "Let's talk later. Let's do research."

Erica gave me a weak smile. "Sure."

I pulled out my laptop. It was out of battery. I groaned and pulled out my phone. I opened up the CIA database. Most of the stuff on the actual internet is not true. They're mostly rumors and false news.

I searched up: 'coronavirus'. There were 10 results. I clicked on the first article to find it useless.

I clicked on the second, and the third, and then the fourth. The fifth article was what I was looking for. Origins of coronavirus.

What I saw startled me. The information there was totally different from the ones on CNN, or the New York Times, or any other news source.

"The novel coronavirus is thought to be a man-made virus, possibly developed by SPYDER. 2 days ago, Benjamin Ripley, and Erica Hale successfully defeated the organization in a mission. SPYDER has been crippled by the death of Joshua Hallal and Murray Hill. Agent Ripley also successfully destroyed the remaining bottles of the newly discovered powerful element 'wertuflenium'. It is predicted by the CIA Virology unit and the CIA Chemistry unit that wertuflenium has been used to create the virus. They also have done a good job of covering everything up. They have made it only moderately dangerous and follow some natural phenomena. Most of the global governments are thinking that the virus came from a bat, which is most likely false." the article stated.

I pondered the thought for a while. Coronavirus? Made by SPYDER? Trust me, I know SPYDER. This is definitely something SPYDER planned for a long time.

"Ben?" Erica shook me. "It's almost time."

I glanced at the clock. It was 1600. There was an hour until our flight. J.J. McCracken offered to pay for all the expenses in the mission so that his daughter and all of us could stay luxurious.

"Mike? Zoe?" I knocked on the door. They weren't in the room. They must have already left for the airfield.

We met them in the lobby, along with Summer, Teddy, and Violet. J.J. McCracken was also there to say goodbye.

"I've prepared your cars," J.J. McCracken said proudly. "Please choose between the following."

The huge garage door opened, revealing 4 fancy sports-cars. Mike's jaw dropped. Erica looked annoyed.

"Can't we just have an old truck or something?" Erica asked. "If we use this, we'll catch too much attention."

"Come on Erica, please," Mike pleaded to him. "I'm dying to try out the custom Tesla."

Erica shrugged and chose an old truck from the parking lot. "I'll have this one," she announced.

"But, but, I got these nice cars for you!" J.J. looked shocked.

Erica shrugged and insisted on the truck. The horrified J.J. McCracken passed her the keys.

Mike chose a very fancy Tesla. Zoe chose a purple Ferrari. Summer, Teddy, and Violet didn't know how to drive, so they decided to go with me on the red Bugatti.

"Hope in," I told them as I hopped onto the driver's seat. Violet took shotgun, and Teddy and Summer sat at the back.

"You sure you can drive?" Teddy asked me.

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