Chapter 9

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Hi everyone! It's good to be back. I was really busy lately (still am) but I decided to write a bit today. Enjoy!

I looked at Erica, who had her gun out. I decided that it would be wise to get my gun out. Gunshots continued to ring.

"According to fire rate and the magazine rounds, I'm quite sure the weapon is an AK-47," Erica whispered.

"Whoa, okay," I replied. "So what does that tell us?"

"We're probably in North Korea," was her response.

I didn't know what to do. Obviously there must have been some sort of mistake in my calculations.

"Um, how would we get out?" I muttered.

"We'll have to leave the country via the DMZ," Erica told me. "The DMZ is the demilitarized zone between South and North Korea.

"Okay, so we'll have to escape?" I asked, hoping for a no.

"Yes," was the reply, which made me sigh.

"Alright, well, it doesn't seem possible," I pointed out.

"I'm very well aware of that," Erica said. "But I have you."

I smiled at that. Even though I was stuck in North Korea with AKs firing at every direction, I still smiled. Erica did too.

"We'll just have to through," Erica started towards one of the places that the guns were firing at. "Just don't fire back, we don't want World War 3 to happen because of us. Just pass by."

"Um, okay, sounds very easy to me," I sighed.

Erica just kept moving. She stopped when she saw a watch tower in sight. Inside were three North Korean soldiers. They seemed tired, by the fact that both were dozing off.

"We'll be able to sneak through if we be careful," Erica whispered.

"We're going to go past them?" I asked, again hoping for a no.

"I guess," Erica said. "It can't be too hard."

"There are some tall reeds that we can use as camouflage," I pointed out.

"I know, but if the watchmen find us, we're screwed," Erica said.

"Wow, how comforting," I rolled my eyes.

"It seems like they have a base here," Erica said, looking around.

"I know, so a lot of pressure," I said.

"I mean, we've done more difficult things before, so it should be okay," Erica said.

"Can't we go towards China?" I asked. "Or, actually, this is probably Southern North Korea. So it might be wiser to go to Northern South Korea, wait did I get that right?"

"Seems so," Erica said as she fixed her uniform.

"We're going to need support though," I said.

"No, not really."

I've tried everything to convince Erica not to go past the DMZ or whatever, but it seems like she knows what she's doing, so I'll just have to follow.

"We're going on my call. Do you see that officer around 600m away?" Erica asked me.

"Uh yeah," I replied, barely making out the figure.

"Now do you see that officer, on the other side?" Erica asked me again.

"Yes," I replied. "So they are kind of making sure the watchmen don't doze off."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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