Chapter 4

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Hi guys, welcome to another chapter. Finally! This is the chapter where we meet Dash. We'll also see Violet and Kira, but we'll get to know them better in Chapter 6 or 7. Enjoy!

"What? Please explain. I'm totally confused right now," Sachiko said.

"Okay, I'm not supposed to tell you anything like this, but I think Rintaro is in my rival organization," I told Sachiko. "Sorry, but I really shouldn't tell you much more."

"That's fine, I understand," Sachiko smiled at me. "Also, are you guys hungry? You might as well have some of this."

Sachiko had some bowls and plates and she scooped up some rice and curry on each one. She passed us a spoon and we quickly started eating.

"Wow, this is really good. Thank you, we were starving," Teddy said between bites.

"I'm glad you like it," Sachiko grinned. I took a plate and finished it in 5 minutes.

Everyone had 3 servings except Sachiko and I, who were deep in thought. I had to think of something to do next.

I looked around and examined the locks one more time. I shook the door, but the door didn't open, of course. But I heard a small click.

"Wait everyone shh," I told everyone to quiet down.

I examined the lock. The main lock wasn't shut tightly. Rintaro and the guards left too hastily and forgot to shut it properly. I violently shook the lock, and soon it clicked again. I kept repeating it until it finally opened. I picked the rest of the locks with Sachiko's hairpin.

The door swung open, I looked around. I saw no guards around, so I motioned for everyone to come out with me. We made our way through the building. We were almost there when we heard human voices. I flinched with surprise, but the tone wasn't the SPYDER tone.

"Violet? Where are you? Oh my god, mom's gonna kill me. Violet!" a boy's voice was shouting.

I made my way to the exit and poked my head out to see a boy around 13 hollering for Violet. I gestured to Violet and she came out. Sachiko said that she had to go and left. We said goodbye, and she thanked us a million times. Meanwhile Violet and Dash were having a talk.

"Hi, I'm Violet, but I don't think you're looking for me, are you?" Violet said to the boy.

"Oh, uh, hi. I'm Dash Gibson. I'm looking for my sister, who's name is also Violet," the boy named Dash told us.

"Hey, I'm Ben, nice to meet you Dash," I introduced myself. "This is Summer, Teddy."

"Uh, hi," Dash said. "Um, who exactly are you?"

I knew this Dash guy could be trusted, but I thought it would be better to tell him everything later.

"Um, I'll tell you that later. But trust me, I'm a good guy. We'll help you find your sister," I told him.

"Yeah thanks, I'm here with my parents and my friend, I mean girlfriend's family, but I don't know where my sister is. I think she's lost," he explained.

"Oh okay, we'll find her soon, but make sure to be careful for, uh, you-know-what," I told everyone.

"Be careful for what?" Dash asked me.

"Oh nothing," Summer quickly said. Dash shrugged.

We spread out to find Dash's sister Violet. 2 minutes later, Violet came back with the other Violet.

"Dash!" Dash's sister Violet ran into Dash's arms and they hugged each other.

"Thank you so much guys," Dash said. "Can I introduce you to my family?"

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