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The whole of Lakshmi nagar watched as the SUV parked in front of Happy's garage. Some had come to see their favourite daughter, while some were just curious to learn about the eloped couple.

Garima and Madhumathi welcomed their daughter and son-in-law with beaming smiles. Once within confines of their humble abode , away from the scrutiny of the whole neighbourhood , Garima engulfed her daughter in a tight hug . Khushi found solace in her mother's loving embrace. Arnav smiled lightly at the mother daughter duo .

"Hai Re Nandakishore !! Don't choke her Garima! " Madhumathi scolded Garima.

Khushi freed herself from her from her mother's embrace and turned to her Buaji . "Offo Buaji ! It's Amma who is hugging me. How will I feel choked? But I, may feel choked If you hug me like that. " Khushi laughed pulling Buaji's leg only to shriek as Buaji pulled her ear.

" What did you say Sanka Devi? Wait and watch what I do to you " warned Madhumathi tightening her grap on Khushi's ear . Khushi yelped .

"Achcha, Sorry Buaji !! Please leave my ear " Khushi pleaded. Arnav looked on amused , Khushi was better than him in hiding her pain.

"Sanka Devi's sanak has only increased and I was foolish enough to think she'd become more sensible after marriage. Does she trouble you too Babua? " Madhumathi animatedly asked Arnav .

Arnav and Khushi 's eyes briefly met each other's .

" No Buaji , Nothing like that ." Arnav answered . She had conquered his room with her childish antics and made sure she annoyed him a few days back . If that was called trouble , then he didn't know what to name his actions.

" If you're interrogation is over Buaji , please come with me . I want to tell a secret to Babuji, you and your Nandakishore " Khushi winked , pulling her Buaji into her Babuji's room.

Arnav's gaze never left Khushi till then.
Garima watched her son-in-law intently.

" Bitwa , Should I get you something  ? " Asked Garima.

" No Aunty!  I'm fine ... Woh... Khushi .. " He tried to put his thoughts to words.

" I understand Bitwa , You must be thinking how she manages to behave so normally even today . " Garima spoke reading Arnav's thoughts.

Arnav nodded .

" She doesn't want us to feel bad . That's why Bitwa . But , I know she really misses Jiji and Jijaji . They would have been proud of her. When Sashiji and I first brought her home , we were worried if she would ever accept us but she made us a part of  her life without any hesitation. " Garima said , almost in tears.

"That sounds like her Aunty " Arnav said softly . A pang of guilt coursed through . He'd hurt such a pure soul .

Garima smiled at her Damaad. He wasn't the same arrogant man she'd thought him to be and she was delighted that her daughter had married him .

" Hai Re Nandakishore!! Garima your daughter is getting out of control. She makes fun of me first and then complains to her Babuji about me for pulling her ear . What is she 8 ? " Huffed Buaji .

" That's because Babuji will always take my side . Right Babuji ? " Khushi said wheeling her Babuji into the living room.

Shashi nodded his head. He always had a soft corner for his Chutki.

Arnav bent down to take Shashi's blessing. Shashi smiled at his Damaad and blessed him with quivering hands.

A feeling of responsibility washed over Arnav . He realized , that this was his family too now and he wouldn't be able to meet their eyes until he redeems himself .

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