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Payal's knock on the door with the food tray, helped the couple quickly regain their composure. Khushi opened the door for her, and Payal set down the tray and Hari Prakash the water jug.

The Raizadas had planned to finish dinner, before Arnav and Khushi returned to let them spend time with each other. The delay of Arnav's flight and the stagnant traffic of the Delhi roads, had ensured that their plan worked with no hindrances at all, leaving one particular member fuming.

"The food is a little hot as I have reheated it. Be careful while eating. Especially you Chatori Number 1." Payal said, pointing towards Khushi. Arnav glanced thankfully at Payal for sharing with him another nickname of Khushi.

"Okay... Sanka Devi ki Behen.." Khushi rolled her eyes.

"And yes Arnavji, Khushi made another batch of sugar-free Jalebi today. It's there too."

"Another Batch ??" Arnav asked.

"Woh.. Jiji.. say clearly.. I made only one batch.." Khushi lied, her eyes pleading Payal to not reveal her secret.

"Pagli! What about the ones you made the day after Arnavji left..huh?" Payal told with fake innocence in her voice.

Arnav folded his arms and raised an eyebrow at Khushi, who shrugged at him embarrassed and threw a glare at Payal.

"Accha...you guys carry on...I'll take leave now."saying that, Payal departed.

"Well, I think Sugar-free Jalebi is now a part of your 'Interesting History' with Jalebis? " Arnav asked embarrassing Khushi a little more.

"No...I mean... Yes... I mean.. Can we just eat? " Khushi fumbled. Her cheeks were burning with all the heat gushing.

Arnav nodded, not wanting to fluster her further.

The two then spent the hour eating and Khushi updated him about the her Babuji's health and the what the doctor had said.

" And yes Dr.Mehta said, from next week, a Speech Language Therapy intern, will come home to help Babuji learn to communicate. He also said that initially, Babuji will be able to speak very little, like few words and short sentences and it will improve with time." said Khushi getting a little teary eyed. She couldn't wait to hear his voice, couldn't wait to be pampered by his loving words again. Lately, he'd been able to mouth few words and Amma had told her that she'd been able to comprehend what he was trying to say and witnessing it herself, Khushi's happiness knew no bounds.

"That's great Khushi and like I said, it's only matter of time. I'm sure Babuji will be fit and fine sooner." Arnav said, taking her hand in his.

Khushi smiled thankfully for his assurance.

"You've had a long journey, you should rest. I'll just put the plates away and be back." she said getting up.

"Hari Prakash is there for it Khushi." He couldn't understand why she preferred doing it herself.

"I know. But there isn't any harm if I do it myself." said Khushi, taking the tray of utensils with her.

Arnav shook his head, and decided to wait for his wife to return.


Having woken up to the jingle of the wind chimes, Arnav realised how much he'd missed that sound the past week. He smiled to see his room all embellished once again. But, the person he wished to see was missing. He turned around to find a piece of paper on the bed stand. It looked like a note.

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