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Arnav and Khushi returned to Shantivan. They hadn't spoken a word to each other since the previous night .

The whole family had sat together for the morning tea, chatting and joking away. Payal and Aakash scrutinized the expressions on their respective siblings' faces as if to see if they were fine.

The hustle and bustle around her, suffocated Khushi, probably for the first time in her life. She quickly made up an excuse and left the lounge room.
Arnav sensed that something wasn't right.

Khushi stood at the poolside, feeling the light morning air hit her face . The place itself , carried many bittersweet memories . She went through them , one by one in her mind .

But one memory stayed etched on her mind. It was of her third night as his wife. " Yes I'm very happy. I'm very happy seeing you in so much pain . Infact, I did all this , only to see you in pain . Do you want to know why ? Why I want to see you suffer ? Because I hate you . I HATE YOU " . She shuddered as his words echoed through her. Her legs gave out and she sat down glancing her reflection in the pool's still water. Tears never seemed to stop flowing . She hadn't done anything to deserve those words . She hadn't done anything wrong , for him to think that low of her. Her tears fell , forming ripples in the pool .

The words he'd told her last night had shown her how much he regretted his actions . It reflected his Guilt and even his Love. She believed him but she couldn't bring herself to believe in him .

Arnav found Khushi slumped down on the ground near the pool. He gulped down the heaviness in his breath at the sight .

"Khushi? "

Khushi wiped her tears and got up on hearing his voice . She wanted answers . She was done crying and feeling weak . She turned towards him .

" Arnavji , May I ask how you came to such a conclusion about me ? " she asked calmly .

He'd been dreading this moment. He had to tell her. She deserved to know. He inhaled sharply and told her what he had witnessed that lead to his monstrosity. He couldn't meet her eyes the whole time.

" So it was just on the basis of something that you assumed and that creep's words. " She asked blankly .

" Khushi , I'm ..." he started only to be cut off by her .

" No Arnavji , let me speak . From the day you've known me, you've placed baseless accusations on me  None of those bothered me because, I knew you didn't know me enough to judge me . But , hearing you say those things about me the other night , broke me, because I failed to understand how you could think of me like that , after all that we shared . You of all people knew how much I valued relations and yet, you chose not to trust me . You knew I treated your family as my very own and yet, you thought I had betrayed them . Okay I accept that you failed to trust me because of what you saw and what you heard , but I was there in the front of you the whole time. Why couldn't you recognise the truth then?  If Jiji hadn't told you the truth, what would have happened then Arnavji ? These questions haunt me . You told me yesterday that you chose to ignore what you're heart told you , because you never believed in it . But , you also chose to ignore the truth that was right before you . You chose to ignore ME . " She panted as she put out the brutal truth before him . She wanted him to know how vexed she felt.

Arnav felt his insides constric . The little hope that he'd gained the previous night , had shattered with her words . He gathered the very little strength that was left within him and spoke " I know Khushi and I can't tell you how much I regret it . I'm sorry for not seeing you for who you are every single time . But ,  I want you to know that I'm not giving up . I promise to make amends , I promise to give you everything you deserve , I promise to replace every  bitter memory that I have caused  , I promise to love you unconditionally . All I'm asking for is a chance , please " He almost choked . He held her hands and looked into her hazel orbs .

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