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After the ousting of the snake, the whole family had gone into a state of shock. Being the eldest, Nani had taken it upon herself to handle the situation. From forcing everyone who'd lost their appetite, to atleast have nibbles of food, to sending them all to their rooms to rest for day, she'd taken charge.

The gentle breeze made the moon lit pool's water ripple and clash into shallow waves, creating shimmering patterns all around.

Khushi stood there, staring at nothing in particular. Her errant thoughts wouldn't seem to stop.

Babuji's life had been put in risk by that creep and she'd had no clue. Her family had had no clue. The very fact that Babuji had tried to convey this from the start and they'd completely misinterpreted him made her want to puke her guts out. Everything had happened in her presence and she'd been able to nothing because she was kept in oblivion. Her mind wouldn't stop thinking of what would have happened if it had been too late, if Babuji....

A tinkle indicated that her husband had come after his much important call with Mr.Roy. But, Khushi stood still as a rock.

Well aware of the mayhem of emotions that she was in, Arnav strode to her side. Slowly and gently, he pulled her into his embrace.

She couldn't hold back her tears anymore. She gripped on to him tightly, not wanting to slip away into the vulnerability that was currently haunting her.

As much as his insides clenched to see her in so much pain, he let her pour out, let her get the agony out of her system.

"How could I have missed?... He hurt.. He hurt Babuji write under our nose... Babuji tried to tell... The ring... He tossed the ring from my finger... I should've known.." she hiccupped.

Arnav knew that any number of words wouldn't soothe her, so he simply stuck to stroking her hair.

Minutes passed. He sensed her calming down, from her breathing steady a little. After a few more seconds, Khushi reluctantly parted.

Arnav pushed away the wisps framing her face. Placing a soft kiss on her forehead, he picked her up in his arms. Khushi's arms immediately wound around his neck as she rested her head on his shoulder.

Laying her down on the bed, he sat beside her.

"Sleep" he said pulling the comforter over her.

Khushi shook her head and gestured him to join her. Though Arnav's sleep was completely robbed away, he gave in to her demand.

Khushi cocooned to his side. Arnav let out a sigh of relief as he felt at home. Everything was finally over. The Shyam fiasco was done with and he'd made sure that he got punishment he deserved.

His Di was dealing with the dreaded truth of her husband more well, than he thought she would. He'd checked upon her before he'd come back to his room. She was asleep and Nani had told him that she didn't want to waste anymore of her time thinking about the creep. That gave him some peace.

Khushi had drifted into sleep in seconds. Arnav observed her closely. Her eyes were swollen and cheecks tear streaked from all the weeping.

"Everything is over now. No more tears anymore." He whispered to her sleeping form, pulling her closer to him.


The next morning, Khushi and Payal, hesitantly knocked on the door of Anjali's new room. Nani opened the door for them and left the three alone to talk it out.

"Payalji, Khushiji, Why are you standing there? Please come here." Anjali called out. She sounded normal. Though the sisters knew that Anjali wasn't blaming them, they felt the need to apologize.

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