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Arnav walked across the length of the study, back and forth. He'd just received a call from the AR headquarters in London. An important deal, which they had been working on for months couldn't be cracked. The deal could take AR further higher in the International market. It would lead to huge loss otherwise. He had no choice but to step in. But, the last thing he wanted right now was to stay away from Delhi, from his family, from Khushi.

"Bhai, you had called?" came Aakash's voice.

Arnav wasted no time and explained him the current situation.

"Bhai, even I think it's best for you to go. On your intervention, the merger will happen with no issues." Aakash said, pragmatically analysing the circumstance.

"I know Aakash, but with that creature in the house..."

"Bhai, he just came home. I heard him telling Di and the others that he'd have to go to Lucknow for a week or so. He said he'd have to leave tonight. I suggest that you schedule your trip when he isn't around. So you don't have to worry. Plus, the earlier you clear things out, the less confusion is going to be created."

Arnav thought over Aakash's words. He didn't need more than week to solve the issue. "You're right. I guess I'll take a flight tomorrow and try to return within a week." He decided. He immediately texted Aman to do the needful.

"Aakash..Umm.." he was really bad at expressing his thoughts.

"Don't worry Bhai, I'll take care of Di and Khushiji." Aakash assured, knowing his Bhai well. Arnav smiled gratefully at his brother.

The two of them, then joined the others for dinner. Arnav waited till Shyam departed, to tell the family about his impromptu trip. As expected, they were a little skeptic about it at first. But, they knew they couldn't do much about it.

Khushi felt a little disappointed, that her Arnavji had to go, even it was only for a week. She'd only started enjoying his company, and didn't want to stay away. She looked up to see him, somehow knowing his gaze was already on her. He stood up to leave, subtly hinting her to follow him.

Khushi excused herself after a minute and headed towards their room.

"You said, whatever I wish will come true and it hasn't. " spoke Arnav, as she stepped inside.

"You wished for no issues to crop up in London?" Khushi asked, knitting her brows.

Arnav shook his head, as he came to stand behind her." No..I wished to never stay away from you." he whispered, in that low husky way of his.

Khushi, felt her palms get sweaty and her insides get all jittery. "Did you really wish for that?" she said, mustering up the courage to face him.

"I really don't know how wishes work, but I wanted..I want that.."he said, becoming a little serious.

"You're only going for a week Arnavji.."Khushi said, picking up her night clothes.

"Are you telling that to comfort me or to comfort yourself ?" Arnav asked smugly.

Hey Devi Maiyya..When did this Laad Governor start reading minds?

"Don't you have to pack? " Khushi diverted the topic. She felt a slight tug at her hand and in one swift motion, she'd crashed gently against Arnav's torso.

"Does the change in topic, count as 'yes' to my question Khushi?" Arnav asked confidently.

"H..Huhh.." was all Khushi could say amidst her racing breaths and thudding heart..

"I got my answer." said Arnav, grinning in satisfaction as he left his hold on her. He winked at her, as he picked his phone up to check his mails.

Khushi rushed to change. Once inside the restroom, she leant against the door trying to calm her sparked up nerves down, trying to get used to the very familiar effect Arnav Singh Raizada had on her.

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