Laughter is the best medicine.

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Prompt: Could you do one about a little sister (around 5-7) who lives with her older brother (20 ish) and the little sister is getting picked on because her parents passed away so the older brother tickles her to cheer her up.
As soon as Nate walked through the door, he knew something was off. You see, normally, after he had finished on a Friday, he would be greeted by his little sister, sprinting towards him before he had even gotten the chance to come through the door, and jumping on top of his back. And that's the way he liked. So why did it feel so off, when she didn't do that today?
"MYA" he called out. He heard footsteps coming down, hoping it was her. But no, those were two elegant to be hers, he laughed to himself. Dora, the Nanny walked down the stairs.
"Hi Nate" she greeted.
"Hi Dora, thanks so much for coming at such short notice, my lecture overran"
"Oh no it's fine, Myas just in her room." She then turned around to make sure no one was listening.
"But between you and me, I think somethings a bit off with her, I've tried talking, but she won't say"
"It's ok, I'll speak to her. See you next week Dora" he waved at her before running up the stairs. He went into his sisters room, and there she was. Single big tears were rolling down her chubby cheeks, while her bottom lip was stuck out. She looked down while she coloured in a dolphin green.
"Hi Mya" he greeted coming in. Mya, not realising he had been watching her, quickly wiped her tears and tried to smile.
"NATE" she said, running up to him while he lifted her up.
"How was school?" He said, carefully studying her face to see if he could decipher what was wrong.
"Good" she said, concentrating on her colouring book.
"Dora said there was something wrong" he said, being careful not to upset her. Mya looked at him before looking back at her colouring and shaking her head.
"Can't tell you" Nate looked at her, surprised that she had even responded.
"Can't tell me? Mya, you can tell me anything!" He said, looking a bit hurt. She stopped her colouring and looked up at him, eyes and cheeks red from crying.
"I don't wanna make you sad" Mya said, with a crack in her voice.
"You won't make me sad sweetie, you only will if you don't tell me what's going on!" She looked at him and huffed.
"These boys were making fun of me because I don't have any parents." She said looking down, as if she was ashamed. Nates jaw clenched from anger, even if these boys were only a few years older than Mya, they had no right. But his eyes softened when he was Myas face.
"Look, don't listen to them I-
"But it's true, isn't it? We don't have parents, do we?" She interrupted, only making Nate feel more upset.
"Mya, it's true. But just because they're gone, it doesn't make them or me any less proud of who you are, and what you've become" he proudly said.
"Really" she said, her big eyes looking at him.
"Yes! Your piano practicing, how well you do in art and do you know what they've the most about you?
Mya shook her head and stared up at her brother eating for an answer. But instead she felt her brothers giant hands attacking her with tickles.
"You laughter!" He said as she fell onto her carpet, wriggling around laughing. Nate carefully pinned her arms above her head and darted his wiggling fingers into her poor underarms. Mya weakly bucked at her brothers tickles and her laughter filled the room.
"NAHAHAHAATTTTTTTEEEEEE AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" the five years old cackled with laughter. He tickled at lightly at the speed of lightening up and down her body, switching between different spots while Mya pointlessly tried to stop his fingers.
"What? Mum and Dad loved you laugh! You don't want to disappoint them, do you?" He said, pouting.
But Mya wasn't buying any of it because she had been in one of her brothers traps before.
"NAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAOOOO, YOOOOUUUURRRRR LLYYIIINNNGGGGGGGG" she squealed bucking as her brothers hands went under her pyjamas onto her bare stomach which made everything 10x more ticklish.
Nate had her arms pinned with one hand and squeezed her belly with the other earning shrieks from Mya.
"I'm sorry, did you just call me a liar?" He teased, letting go of her arms and using both hands to torture her midsection which he knew would make her go mad.
"BBIIIG BRAHAHAHAHTTTHHHHHHEERRRR, STAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHPPPPPP" at the point, Mya was in hysterics. But her distraction had only just started. Although she couldn't see properly from all the laughter, her brothers head was slowly inching towards her stomach which only meant one thing..........
"AHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAH" she screamed and bucked as soon as her brothers lips came into contact with her skin. He blew one massive raspberry just underneath her ribs, while he used his other fingers to work his hands up and down her sides.
"PPLLLEAHAHAHAHSSSEEEEEEE STAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAPPPPPP" she screamed. Nate looked at his younger sisters exhausted state and decided to give her a break.
"Well since you did say pleeaassseeee. I'll let you go" he smiled letting her up. She looked up at him and stuck at her going he before giggling at her brothers offended face.
"Your mean!" She said crossing her tiny arms.
"Hey, Daddy used to do that to you!"
"Daddy was the tickle monster!" She shot back. As if that was some sort of excuse.
"Yeah well, I guess you have to get used to the new one" he said before wrapping his arms right round her tiny figure and kissing up and down her neck letting her infamous laughter fill the bedroom.

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