✞ F O U R ✞

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BETH HAD WOKEN UP COLD, she wasn't in Tommy's hold that morning and had went to bed early not bothered with the day. She never bothered to get dress as she walked down into the kitchen in her nightgown and robe seeing Polly and Ada already sat at the kitchen table talking. Beth leaned down placing a light kiss to Ada's cheek before grabbing a plate full of food that Polly had cooked.

"You're never usually up this late, John nearly ate all your breakfast." Polly mumbled, her head buried in the newspaper. Beth rolled her eyes biting done into a piece of toast. "That's only because she was in Tommy's room all night." Ada teased, giggling to herself as she sipped on her tea. Polly nearly scoffed at Ada's audacity, considering she had just discovered the Shelby girl was pregnant but quickly remembered how she promised Ada she wouldn't tell Beth."I was not! Beg your pardon." Beth scoffed, shoving Ada's shoulder lightly.

It wasn't that they didn't trust the blonde but Ada had quickly stated that if Beth knew and didn't tell Tommy as soon as she had found out the news- she would be in a lot of trouble and neither Polly nor Ada were prepared for the fights that would occur between the 'best friends'. "We should do something today." Ada suggested, glancing over at Beth who nodded in agreement. "We should go to the pictures this afternoon just me and you, like we used to when the boys were away."

Ada and Beth had gotten extremely close when the boys had left for war. Ada had always seen and admired Bethany as an older sister figure. Beth made a note to always give her old makeup and clothes to Ada and the girls often shared opinions in which they couldn't share with the boys.

"I'll go and get myself ready then." Beth murmured, taking her plate to the sink before stalking off up the stairs, only stopping to stare at the pictures on the wall that had caught her eye. Polly had framed a beautiful picture of the older kids, Calvin, Beth, Tommy, Arthur and John. They were all smiling wide and toothy, the snow in the picture as a reminder of the heavy snow that fell. The local reporter made his way around and eventually stopped to take a picture of the teenagers who all gleaned in happiness. She couldn't help feel envious of the easier times that felt like such a distant memory.

If only Beth could tell her younger self to love the life she had with all her ability. Those were the easy times; the fighting to stay out later, the ditching school with John, the first time she'd realised she'd had a crush on Tommy. They hadn't been that long ago but yet felt a million years away. Sitting onto one of the steps on the stairs, Beth couldn't help but sigh. She was the last person left standing of her kin and despite having the Shelby's, nothing could compare to losing her real family.

The front door flung open, Finn grinning excitedly towards Beth who shot him a grin of her own. "Beth!" He cheered, stomping up the stairs to envelope her into a big hug. Finn like his other siblings, adored Beth with all his heart. "Finn!" Beth mimicked his excitement, squeezing him as she stood to her feet, hoisting him up to sit comfortably onto her hip. "How's my favourite Shelby, eh? You're not causing trouble like those brothers of yours, I hope." Finns cheeks flushed a tint of red at her mention of him being her favourite.

"Am I really your favourite?" He'd smiled through his gaped teeth and Beth couldn't help but relish in childhood innocence that she so badly craved back. "Of course you are! Don't be daft Finn, you out run the others by a mile!" Finn couldn't help but to burst into another fit of laughter. "Even over Tommy?!" Beth could only scoff, her smile widening. "Are you kidding me? You beat Tommy by a mile! Just don't tell him I said that though or else he'll murder the both of us."

Placing him back to his feet, Finn ran to the kitchen to get food with a wide smile on his face barely noticing Polly who'd been stood in the hall with a knowing look. Beth would make the best mother some day and Polly Shelby was sure of it.

Eyes glued to the big screen, both Ada and Beth sat in worlds of their own. Ada's head was in the clouds, her hand gently circling her bump. It was the worry that clouded her vision, worry about her brothers reactions for when they found out and the worry of how she'd tell Freddie Thorne she was with child. Beth on the other hand sat in her seat, her mind carrying her to times before the war. To Tommy before he left and their relationship then compared to now. He was always so sweet, writing love letters and poetry but now, he shared no interest to her.

The cinema doors flung open with a bang, Tommy Shelby storming through them with a scowl on his face. Beth cringed, her eyes fluttering to Ada as they both attempted to shrink into their seats. Tommy made his way through the row, sitting beside Beth and leaving her stuck in the middle of the two Shelby siblings. Tommy radiating anger as he kept his eyes glued onto the screen in-front of him, his hands shaking in fury. "Tell me his name Ada." He demanded, ignoring the quizzical look he'd received from the blonde beside him.

"Rudolph Valentino." Ada answered, her voice never faltering as it stayed calm and soft. Tommy never said another word, he stood up with a shake of his head and stormed out the doors. "What have you been doing Ada? If you tell me now I might be able to help-." Ada looked at Beth, her eyes filled with dread as the doors banged up, never giving her the chance to speak as Tommy stormed back in. "Everyone out now!" He roared, people standing up to exit quickly, not wanting to deal with the notorious Shelby man.

Beth stood up to stand, ready to try tell Tommy to calm but as soon as she'd stood, Tommy had pushed her back down into her seat. "I said tell me his fucking name!" Ada sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as the anger too began to run through her veins at her brothers screaming. "Freddie fucking Thorne! Yeah your best mate since school. The man who saved your life in France. So go on, cut him. Cut him up and chuck him in the cut." She yelled, her voice matching the seeping anger the same as Tommys.

Tommy seen red, not saying another word as he stormed out of the cinema, leaving behind a shocked Beth and a shaking Ada. The women sat in silence for a moment before Beth turned to face Ada in her seat. "You're seeing Freddie Throne?" Her voice was soft despite her eyebrows furrowing. "Why didn't you tell me? I could have-." Ada let out a sigh, her head turning to stare at Beth. "I'm not only seeing him, I'm pregnant with his baby. I'm up the fucking hatch!" Beth's mouth fell open at the news, her mind spinning as she attempted to find an appropriate response but Ada bet her too it, her anger seeping.

"You were the last to fucking know Beth because I knew you'd go crying to Tommy like you always do! Then we'd both be in a deeper hole." Ada stood up, her brows furrowing as her anger exceeded. "You're not even part of this fucking family- you don't deserve to know anything! Tommy just keeps you around for god knows what fucking reason because he doesn't have bloody like you anymore that's for sure!" Beth scoffed, shaking her head with a sarcastic laugh. "Whatever Ada. Don't take your anger out on me. I wasn't the one to get pregnant-."

"Yeah you're right Beth! You're not the one pregnant because Tommy doesn't love you and no other man in Small Heath would even glance your name considering you're only known for being a Shelby whore!" Ada paused for a second, her eyes widening as she covered her mouth. "Beth-."

"You've said enough Ada." Beth grumbled, making her way out the doors of the cinema. Beth had been seeing red as she stormed through the town, her mind racing. She'd glanced around, escaping her mind as she noticed the people of the town watching her and whispering among themselves. "Stick your eyes back in your heads before I take them!" Her voice boomed through the streets, her heels hitting the pavement being the only sound to echo around the streets as people scurried back into their homes.

Fuck what Ada thought. Bethany Clover was a peaky blinder and she didn't need Tommy around to prove that.

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