☆F O U R T Y-T W O☆

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THE NIGHT OF MICHAEL'S eighteenth birthday, the Shelby threw a small gathering. Everyone was gathered in the snug except for Michael himself and Pol, who were running late. Sitting squished between Finn and Esme, Beth smoked a cigarette and watched John who picked up a glass raising it into the air. "Well Finn you've got two choices." John stated. "Mild or mild?"

Finn sat in confusion for a minute in which Beth sniggered and eventually Finn smiled in realisation. "Mild." Beth leaned over squeezing his cheek. "Don't drink too much, your still the baby." Finn swatted her hand away laughing slightly as he began to sip on his drink. The door creaked open and Arthur sat forward excitedly. "Here he is, look." Arthur pointed.

Everyone stood up to greet Michael, giving him a cheer as he walked through the door. "Happy Birthday Michael." Tommy smiled, shaking Michaels hand firmly. "Eighteen years old." Arthur said in awe, thinking about the little baby he had once seen in Polly's arms. "You're a man today." Beth taunted, a small smile on her face as Michael pulled her into a hug, she pulled away first sparing a cautious glance to Tommy who stared back her in amusement before she turned to John. "Get him a drink John."

"There you go lad." John said, filling a glass with beer and handing it to Michael. "And After that, we will go find you a lady of the night." Arthur cheered. Beth let out a loud snort of laughter as Polly's face twisted in anger as she stared at Arthur in disbelief. "Arthur!" Tommy stepped forward clearing his throat slightly. "Michael." Michael's attention turned to Tommy with a small hint of fear in his eyes as he watched Tommy reach into his pocket.

Tommy pulled out a black leather box handing it into Michaels hands. "So you're never late to work." Beth smiled, watching Michael open the box up in excitement to find a gold pocket watch, his eyes glistening like a business man who had just seen gold. "Welcome to the business Michael." John greeted. "Welcome to the business." Arthur echoed, as Pol pulled Michael into a tight hug.

"Right cmon, let's get him drunk." John announced grabbing Michaels shoulders. "Come here, you." Arthur grinned rubbing his hands excitedly. "Alright, whiskey." He shouted. "No whiskey!" Tommy blurted quickly. "He's got work tomorrow. Give him only dark mild. A toast." Everyone raised their glasses into the air. "To Michael."

A few minutes had passed where Beth stayed at John's side, laughing as he tormented poor Michael but it was cut short when Tommy caught her hand in his and nodded towards the door. Beth sighed her smile dropping and allowed Tommy to pull her through the door of the snug and through the Garrison onto the shitty and cold streets of Small Heath. "John said you were upset over May." Tommy stared. Beth awkwardly shifted, glancing up to the sky.

"I wasn't upset Tommy it's just-." She paused for a moment feeling her stomach drop. "Everyone has left me and you nearly did- you nearly left me for grace and if you left me for some pretty horse trainer who's never been inside a betting shop I don't know what the fuck I'd do with my life." Tommy sighed, his fingers gently running over her face. "Beth you don't have to be scared or jealous, I'm yours and you are mine."

Beth stepped away from his touch and let out an angry huff of air. "How can I not be fucking jealous though Tommy, she's this gorgeous little horse trainer that your going to spend all your time with and-and eventually fall in love with!" She shouted. Tommy let out a small chuckle and grabbed Beth's waist roughly pulling her flush against him. "You know your my girl, but this is really important. I'm going to stay in hers for a few days anyways but I promise I'll drive straight gone to your house."

Beth let out a sarcastic laugh pushing against Tommy's chest. "I will be able to smell the guilt off you if you so much as kiss her Thomas Shelby and god help me I will kill you myself!" She grumbled trying to stop the small smile that began to stretch across her face. "She's not my type." Tommy replied, grinning over at Beth who's eyebrows had raised. "Yeah, who is your type then?" Tommy shrugged trying to hide the smile as he looked down. "Pretty little blonde women- maybe like Grace."

Beth's smile dropped and she growled looking at Tommy in disbelief. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." Tommy said, raising his hands up in defence. "My type is this little blonde woman, who gets drunk with my little brother at least once a week, does this weird little thing- with her hands-." Tommy tried to gesture pulling at his finger as Beth let out a laugh. "When she's nervous, loves to shout, oh god her laugh is just so loud- but I love it."

Beth let out another laugh falling into Tommy's arms as she let out a laugh. "Oh shut up Tommy." She murmured before leaning up and placing her lips to his. "For a notorious gangster Tom, you are extremely soft." Beth teased, running her hand over his face. "Only to you, love. It's a secret, don't tell John." Beth let out a laugh. "I think John already knows how soft you are Tommy, or as Arthur said-." Beth coughed dramatically putting on a deep Birmingham accent not far off her own. "I can see it in his eyes, yeah, his eyes."

"I love you." Tommy grinned, watching as Beth's smile grew. "And no posh horse trainer could ever convince me to cheat." Beth grinned nodding her head quickly. "I love you too." Beth replied, winking up at Tommy. "And she'd better not because if she did I'd put her seven feet under." Tommy rolled his eyes, a small chuckle escaping his lips. "You've been spending too much time with John."

When Tommy left for London Beth decided to take her opportunity to spend her time with the rest of the Shelby boys. Sitting in the snug in the snug in the Garrison Beth cheered placing a winning card onto the table, having bet Arthur and John in cards for the second time. Arthur sighed in annoyance continuing his story about London while John groaned, playfully pushing Beth before taking all the cards and beginning to reshuffle them in his hand.

Beth found it amusing listening to Arthur as he was conscious of Finn's presence as he described his sex life with the ladies in the Eden Club. Finn however didn't seem to mind and payed more interest that Beth who would rather be home with Tommy. Michael and Isiah walked through the door both looking slightly bloodied up. Arthur smiled clapping at their entrance. "Here they are, look, Junior peaky boys."

Beth chuckled at Arthur's teasing and pulled at Michaels jacket inspecting the blood splatters. "What happened to you?" She picked up his hand looking down at his bloodied knuckles. "What the fuck were you doing? Have you been scraping?" Michael shrugged. "Some idiots at the Marquis of Lorne. Tried to stop me and Isaiah from drinking, but it's alright. We fought them off. Arthur we had to stand our ground and we did."

"Beth go get the first aid kit from behind the door and clean the boys up." Arthur instructed as he and John shared a look. "The Marquis, eh?" Beth stood up, along with John, Arthur and Finn. Finn our out his cigarette before John and Arthur pushed him back into his seat roughly. Finn sat in disappointment frowning. Beth chuckled ruffling his hair before walking out of snug and pushing through the crowd at the bar. Harry smiled over at her and Beth gave him a lob sided smirk. "First aid kit please."

Harry knew better than to ask questions and quickly nodded reaching under the desk and pulling out the first aid kit and handing it to Beth. "You look happy doll." Harry commented. Beth smiled shrugging her shoulders. "I am, thank you Harry." Pushing her way past people Beth entered the war snug smiling over at Michael and Isaiah. "So who wants nurse Beth first."

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