✞ T H I R T E E N ✞

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BETH SAT OUTSIDE HER homes back garden- a cigarette placed between her lips as she stared up at the moon, just thinking about life. Her head spun as she let her thoughts get the best of her. The night was cold, with only a light breeze but Beth couldn't feel the cold. Her skin had always been freezing to the touch and pale- her brother had called her cold hearted growing up, said it was why her and Tommy worked so well together. He was kind and she was cold but yet the tables turned.

As much Beth tried, her thoughts always managed to dwell back to Tommy. She hated the way he made her feel. They had been best friends all their life- but Beth had always knew it was something more. He hadn't always been clingy and over protective, he used to be afraid to touch her- as if she was like porcelain but everything changed on a cold December night.

It was before Christmas 1911 and Tommy, John and Arthur had convinced Clavin(Beth's brother) to come out. Beth had came with him and Tommy hadn't understood why until he saw her beaten up face. She had a large bruise covering nearly half of her frail face, a bust lip with dried blood, and cuts and scratched on her arms and neck. John and Arthur who were joking around had stopped seeing the blonde girl hiding behind Calvin.

"Jesus bloody Christ! What happened to her?" John cursed breaking the silence. Calvin looked down to his little sister who had been clutching his hand tightly her body still trembling. "She fell." He lied. Tommy scoffed shaking his head. "Did she fuck!" He shouted, he shoved Calvin back lightly and glanced down at the small girl who had become his best friend trying to keep his anger, under control.

Arthur and John stood awkwardly in the back pulling Calvin to the side to talk to him. Beth's body trembled as she sent Tommy an unconvincing smile. "I fell." She murmured, repeating Calvins words- like they had rehearsed. Tommy glared down at her and Beth couldn't help but cover her face in embarrassment. "My dad." Beth grumbled. Tommy's eyes turned dark and his hands clenched into tight fists. "He did this to you?"

Tommy spoke quietly, reaching his hands up to pull her hands from her face. Beth nodded a small cry escaping her lips. "He got drunk and- and-." Tommy cut her off pulling her into his chest in a tight hug. He felt terrified as if scared to expose her innocence to the world. Tommy grew a hatred for her father from that day but he knew he would have to be there for Beth. Hell as much as his father bet him it was never as bad as the way that hers had beaten him.

Tommy brought his hands down to cradle the back of her head as he rocked them slightly- Calvin, Arthur and John too busy wrestling on the floor to notice. "I'm here. I'm here. I'll never let anyone hurt you again."

Beth grinned at the thought closing her eyes in appreciation for the small memory. It could have been the most normal night they had spent together growing up but her favourite memory of Thomas Shelby was definitely the night she had her first kiss.

John, Arthur, Calvin and Beth had been sat out the back of the Garrison, two bottles of whiskey between them. They were younger at the time and Beth remembered it also being the first night she had ever gotten a hangover. She was sat against Tommy's chest- his arms wrapped tightly around her waist. Arthur, John, Calvin and Tommy were all emerged in a conversation but Beth was too busy staring up at Tommy studying his face.

The boys had gotten their letters to announce they'd be gone to France the night before and Beth will never forget how she cried- refusing to leave Tommy's bedroom when Calvin had tried to get her to come home. Arthur had suggested the would have a drink the next night to try cheer them all up. Beth hadn't focused on the conversation at all but a sly comment was never passed.

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