☆F O U R T Y-F O U R ☆

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BETH FELT BUTTERFLIES in her stomach when John pounded on her house door at eight o'clock in the morning to tell her, by order of Tommy himself Beth was to come to the Derby races alongside him and his brothers and the rest of the Peaky Blinders and to have fucking fun. Knowing full well John would make Beth have fun, Tommy sent him over to knock on Beth's door. Beth opened the door tiredly glaring at John who's smile spread across his face as if it were Christmas.

Beth turned around miserably and began to stalk into her house, towards the kitchen. "I know your excited for the Derby John, you look handsome love, but why the fuck are you at my house this early?" Beth paused turning around to look at John who was following behind her. "Tommy's not here either." She murmured. John chuckled speeding up his step and grabbing Beth's waist in his huge hands hoisting her up in his arms and placing a sloppy kiss to her cheek.

Beth cracked a laugh, scrunching her face as she swiped her face to wipe John's slobber. "You, my dear Bethany Clover-." John began, turning and beginning to walk towards the stairs. "It'll be Shelby soon." Beth interjected, gasping when John spun her in the air as if she were a rag doll and flung her over his shoulder. "Are coming to the Derby! And Arthur and Michael are getting out of prison." John shouted happily as he began to venture up the old worn out wooden steps in Beth's home.

"Off to the races we go John! Imagine! I have nothing to wear." Beth blurted. John rolled his eyes even though Beth couldn't see him. In the silence Beth let out a loud happy laugh and reached down hitting John a smack in the arse. "Oi!" 

Beth was slightly mad when John had forced her into sitting in the front beside Johnny Dogs so she wouldn't ruin her dress but when she realised Johnny could more than likely here her she sucked it up, and sat beside Johnny who surprisingly was quiet for most of the journey keeping his eyes on the road as he and Beth shared small talk asking random questions about anything and everything. When they got to London Beth's eyebrows raised as Johnny drove straight past the Epsom and pulled into a field where he parked the car in.

Beth smiled slightly when her door was pulled open by Tommy who grabbed her waist, gently lifting her from the truck onto the field of straw. "You look beautiful." Tommy complimented, Beth leaned in for a kiss but watched as Tommy tensed instead turning so she could kiss his cheek. She dropped her head in embarrassment forcing out an awkward smile as she walked past Tommy, confused thoughts swarming her head as she presumed it was just the fact that the peaky men were around.

Walking past her, Tommy pushed himself up so all the blinders could see him. John shot Beth a look wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pulling her into his side, rubbing her arm subconsciously after watching how Tommy dodged her touch. "It's okay, he's just nervous Beth. We're not posh like him and he's afraid we'll all embarrass him." John murmured nudging his head slightly into Beth's face, who smiled pushing John away as she sniggered slightly.

"Gentlemen, today we are not fucking about. I hope you've all obeyed instructions and brought loaded firearms." Tommy spoke and Beth glanced around as the man all shouted yes and yeah in agreement. "Good. You will all know that if you are lifted on a racetrack these days with a loaded weapon, you get 20 years." Beth tensed under Johns hold glancing up at Tommy in shock and watched as he avoided her eyes. "That's all right. Today you won't get lifted. Because today there will be no coppers around to lift you."

"At exactly three o'clock there will be an accident in the owners enclosure, and all the coppers in the track will diverted, all of them. They'll be looking for someone. You will be free to operate at will." Tommy reported. "Looking for who?" Arthur asked and Beth's gaze snapped up her mouth opening in shock as she looked at Arthur, knowing now wasn't the right time to hug him she just smiled waving her hand at Arthur who smiled back at him.

"Me they will be looking for me. Now while the coppers are busy with me, you will make your move on Sabini's pitches. You confiscate his takings, you destroy his licenses and you do it at gun point. He usually has police protection so he won't be armed. We should aim to complete to take the takeover without a shot being fired, understood? And remember, the licenses are more important than the takings. All right, before the fun begins you can all lay ten bob on Beth's beauty. I heard she's going to win."

The peaky boys cheered and Beth's cheeks flushed a shade of red as she let out a small laugh allowing the peaky boys to pat her on the back as they cheered.Arthur jumped down from the truck and she squeezed through the men wrapping her arms tightly around Arthur who wrapped her in a bear hug, kissing the side of her head.

"Only beer before hand boys. There will be plenty of time for rum and whiskey after. And remember don't make a move till three that's when the coppers leave." Tommy called stepping down from the truck and allowing Beth to pull him into a hug. "You named your horse after me?" She asked quietly as her eyes shone in delight. Tommy shrugged smiling as he placed a light kiss to Beth's forehead. "Why?" Beth asked, pulling away to look into Tommy's face. "Because I love you."

She smiled happy with his response and leaned up onto her toes placing a kiss to the side of Tommy's lips. "And I love you." Arthur shuffled over and she shot him a smile before leaving the two Shelby brothers to talk.Beth jumped onto John's back, him stumbling slightly and nearly chocking on his toothpick as he glared over his shoulder at her as she laughed.

He began to walk around, taking bettings and leaving Beth to jump down staring up at Tommy and Arthur wondering what the fuck was going through Thomas Shelby's head.

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