☆T W E N T Y-S I X ☆

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TOMMY PULLED BETH into Polly's office, hands still locked as he threw open the door, Pol walking close behind them her eyes lit with anger. Tommy dropped Beth's hand and walked over to the safe and began to put in the pin, Beth stood against the bars of Polly's office waiting for the argument. "Tomorrow?" Polly questioned, anger lacing her voice. "I'm company treasurer you should speak to me first." Polly walked around the table and sat into her desk.

"It's new market tomorrow. Third busiest day of the year." Polly informed, picking up her pen to write into her log book. "We have eighteen staff." Tommy replied, still fiddling with the safe. "Who you trust with two hundred quid takings? Oh and I changed the combination." Beth watched as Tommy paused in defeat and leaned over the safe. "So, what's going on Thomas? Who did you meet at the Black Lion?" Beth's heart skipped a beat and her head quickly turned to Tommy. "The Black Lions? Thomas?"

"Give me the combination, Polly." Tommy demanded trying to ignore the hurt in Beth's voice. He waiting a moment for a reply and Beth smirked watching Polly ignoring him and scribbling into her log book. Tommy walked to her desk, placing his hands firmly either side. "Polly. Give me the combination."

Polly ignored him yet again and Tommy stood back in defeat putting his hands into his pockets. "What happened to the pub is Irish business. In this situation, for everyone's safety it's best if some things remain undisclosed."

Polly placed her pen onto the table and looked up at Tommy. "So why tomorrow?" Tommy glanced back at Beth and nodded for her to leave but Polly banged her hand onto the table. "Let Bethany stay she'll find out sooner than later and answer the bloody question Thomas." Tommy sighed and turned back to Pol. "Like you said tomorrow is Newmarket. All the London bosses will be at the races." Tommy replied. "So you'd just roll up and take the city?"

"No. We'd take the opportunity to show our hand. The Italian gangs and the Jewish gangs have been at war in London for six months." Beth walked over beside Tommy. "It's not our war Tommy." Beth grumbled. "The jews have been having the worst of it they need allies." Beth scoffed in disbelief at Tommy's plans looking towards Polly who looked at him in confusion.  "Yeah but we don't." Polly spoke. "We need a foothold. At the Southern end of the Grand Union. The Jews control Camden Town."

Tommy stood back and let out a loud exhale looking between the two women. "Your mother said, 'it's his cleverness that will kill him'." Polly spat, placing her head into her hands. Beth's heart fell as she watched Polly. "No one gets killed Polly. We go down tomorrow when it's quiet and we leave our message. If Alfie Solomon's and his Camden boys come to us, we'll negotiate the use of a secure bonded warehouse and then our legal activities in London can begin. Now please open the fucking safe."

Polly stood up from her seat angrily and walked towards the safe. "Do you know it was a fine speech you made in there, about this company believing in equal rights for women. But when it comes to it you don't listen to a word we say not even your poor Bethany Clover the girl next fucking door. Maybe you don't trust us." Polly paused for a moment and leaned down to unlock the safe. Beth's eyes glared into Tommy as she waited for Polly's next words.

"She was one woman Thomas." Polly's eyes danced towards Beth who watched him with a pain in her eyes. "Well maybe it's time your forgot about her." Tommy's hand found Beth's watching her body tense he clutched her hand tightly. "Forgot about who?" Tommy replied. Polly let out a huff of air in annoyance and bent down putting in the combination to the safe. Tommy stood still for a moment before walking over to the safe, pulling Beth behind him like a lost puppy. "You and the boys go and get yourselves killed." Polly snapped.

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