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Blue. Blue like the ocean.

That's everything she can think of.

The blue eyes of the blond woman, blond hair which falls down loose.

The black glasses on her nose.

The nervous smile on her face.

Nothing else is in her mind. Just the face of the young reporter.

In this short time since they first met she couldn't think about something different.

Every time she closes her eyes she sees the blue eyes, feels her strong arms as if she is in one of her hugs, feels the comforting feeling of being safe.

Never before she felt like this, felt safe in someone's arms.

But still. She didn't understand what these feelings meant for her. What it meant for them.

Kara Danvers. What have you done to me?


Her gaze searched in the crowd after the blue eyes of her friend. Nervous and scared. She was renaming the company. The company which destroyed so many lives because of her family.

No one trusted her, but she wants to change that. Show the world that she is not like them, that she is different.

Finally, she finds her friend's eyes. Her smile calms her down again.

You can do it. With a nod she communicates with her.

Taking a deep breath Lena begins to speak.

"My brother hurt a lot of good, innocent people. My family owes a debt, not just to Metropolis, but to everyone. I intend to pay that. By renaming my company L-Corp, we will usher in a new age of cooperation and community. Together, we will chart a brighter future."

The crowd applauded her.

Suddenly a loud explosion and a shock wave occurred pulling her to the ground.

Fear rises inside her and in everyone around her.

Not even a minute later Supergirl shows up at the scene. But too late.

They already took her. Thrown her into a van and drove away.

Lena. Confused she looks around.

Where did her friend go?

. . .

She woke up as the darkness consumed her surroundings.

She felt her body tied down to a chair, her arms and legs locked in their place.

Where am I?

Fear rises again inside of her.

Panicked, she tries to untie herself. Without success. But she feels pain in her head and her upper body.

They were not afraid to torture her when they took her there. She can feel some blood that runs down her body.

Who brought me here? What do they want from me?

Unsuccessful, she pulls again at the rope that holds her close to the chair.

Suddenly some noises.

Steps are coming closer, but it is to dark. She can't see the face behind the silhouette.

"Lena Luthor."

"Who are you?" Her voice is shacking.

"Oh look what you have done. Working with Supergirl lately, you really thought this through? Are you sure she won't betrayal you? Like Superman did... with your brother? After all, you are a Luthor."

"I'm not like my brother!"

"You really think so?" Painful he pressed something into an open wound.

Biting her tongue she tries to stay strong.

"You can't change your family, Luthor!"

Laughing he continues his torture. Stepping a little bit closer to his victim.

"You will beg me to kill you," Revealing a knife he grins at her.

Slowly he pressed it onto her neck, cutting light her skin.

"And I will, I promise."

The pain is too much for the young woman.

Screaming she begs him to stop, until finally she passes out.

Free of the pain she welcomes the darkness around her.

The next time she woke up she can barely move. Every movement causes her pain. Her whole body is covered in dried blood.

"Someone is awake again."

The evil voice makes her shiver.

"What do you want from me...?"

"Revenge, Luthor. Revenge."

Not a second later she can feel the pain again. But the darkness won't come, Not again.

. . .

With a loud bang Supergirl arrives at the location. How long did it take her to finally find her? To long as it seems.

Her kidnapper flinches.

"Time to say goodbye Miss Luthor."

With a big grin he points a gun at her.


Supergirl flashes towards him and brings him down.

But she was too late. The bullet already escaped and hits the young woman.

"Lena!" Oh please no!

Scared for the younger one she listens and searched for her heart beat.

She's alive, thank Rao.

Without wasting anymore time she lifts her up and flies towards the nearest hospital.

Stay with me Lena, stay with me.

> A/N
First time writing in this perspective, so please don't judge. I thought I'm gonna try something new.
Hope u'll enjoy that little story!

If u have some ideas of what could happen, let me know! (I don't have a plan and just write what I think would be nice, so If u wanna see/read a specific storyline, let me know, let's see what I can do!)

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