Chapter 21

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Weeks later Lena's condition got worse. She couldn't concentrate anymore and got lost in her mind at least four times each day.

Alex noticed her lost gaze and got worried.

"Sam, I think I should get Kara. We can't help her anymore."

"Yeah... but promise me to come back!"

"Of course! As if I could leave you."

The next day she left with J'onn's ship and makes her way to Argo City.

When she arrived she lands on a field of flowers.

Wow, this was a part of Krypton? It's so beautiful here!

She gets surrounded by some robots.


Shortly after, some Kryptonians arrived the scene.

"Who are you?"

"I'm... friends with Kara. Kara Zor-El."

"We don't know if she speaks the truth," Someone whispers.

"Ask her for Alex, she will know who I am."

They bring her into the city and into something that looked for her like a police station.

"Where is she?," She heard her sisters voice.


"Alex! It's really you! What are you doing here!," She pulled her into a tight hug, "Oh I missed you so much!"

"Even without your powers you're still strong," She says, because her back cracks a bit and for the moment she forgot why she came.

"You have to meet my mum! I have to show you everything!," Excited, Kara pulls her to her home.

"Mum? Muuum?"

"Yes? I'm here!"

"Mum, this is Alex," Kara looks at her with a big goofy grin.

After a short moment of realization, Alex gets pulled into a hug.

"Thanks for taking care of my daughter!"

They talked about everything except Lena.

"So Alex, why are you here? Is everything ok?

"Oh right! It's about Lena."

"Is she ok?," Kara's face changed directly into a worried look.

"Not exactly."

"What happened?"

"She has flashbacks and panic attacks. She tries to hide it, but... it's getting worse every day. We don't know how to help her and well... you are the only one who calmed her down."

"I'm coming back."

"Kara you don't have to."

"Alex... I would lie if I say that I don't love her anymore. And maybe... we can fix things..."

Her mother looks at her with a proud face. Finally, her daughter admits her feelings.

"Oh and Winn gave me this, apparently with that it's possible to contact earth," She gives the technology to Kara's mum.

"That's perfect! But Alex, let's go. We have to get back. I have to get to Lena."

Quickly, Kara packs her stuff into a bag and pulls Alex back to J'onn's ship. On their way back Alex felt asleep, her head laying on Kara's shoulder.

"Alex, wake up we're nearly home."

Alex mumbles something, a little grumpy, because Kara woke her up, she brushes over her eyes.

J'onn already waited for them. With a big smile he hugs Kara.

"Welcome back."

"I'm gonna head straight to Lena."

"Wait! Can you bring me home?"


She lifts her sister up and jumps into the sky. Quickly, she flies into the DEO to grab her Supersuit and get changed. After that she flies Alex, she already wanted to fly to her old apartment.

"Oh wait, I forgot to tell you something. Me and Sam... we kinda moved in together."


Alex laughs a little shy: "Well.. we did."

"Ok ok, I'm gonna drop you at Sam's."

After she dropped her sister, she searched for Lena. First she looked in her office at L-Corp, but she wasn't there.

Hesitant, she flies in front of her apartment. Her window is open, but she didn't had the courage to go in.

Lena sits at her bar table, a glass with alcohol in front of her. She was already drunk, but she still felt the fear inside her. She lays down a bit, her head lays on her arms. Tears escape her eyes.

Kara takes a deep breath and flies through the window.


She flinches at the voice, but she couldn't believe that it was actually Kara's. Sad, she takes her glass and takes a sip out of it.

"Lena...," Slowly, Kara puts her hand on Lena's arm to stop her from drinking.

"I miss you so much."

"I'm back Lena, it's me."


"Yes, I'm here."

Crying, Lena presses herself at her and takes in her scent.

"I missed you so much, never leave again. I love you Kara... so so much...," She mumbles drunk on her shoulder.

Kara just holds her and strokes over her back.

"Lena... how are you...? Alex told me..."

"Please don't leave... I'm so sorry Kara, I need you..."

"I won't, but talk to me, please."

Lena faces her and looks into her eyes. Her hand cups Kara's cheek and Kara leans a little bit on it.

"I need you Kara...," She presses a slobbery kiss on her lips, which ended in a passionate one.

Lena grabbed Kara's cape and pulled her to the bedroom.

"I want you."

"Lena, you're drunk."

"I don't care."

"Stop Lena. I won't leave, I promise," Kara grabbed Lena's hands to stop her from undressing herself. Then she helped her to crawl on the bed, "I'm here when you wake up."

Lena felt asleep real quick, quietly Kara changed into some clothe which she got out of Lena's closet. Isn't that one of my hoodies?

Careful, she lies besides her and watches her sleeping. I missed you so much...

Single tears start to fall down her cheek.

. . .

Lena wakes up with an arm around her waist. She fells a warm breath in her neck. Her head hurts like hell. Did I went to a bar and had a one night stand?

Slowly, she looks through the room. No, I'm home. So... he or she came with me?

Her gaze wanders to the arm around her. It's a she, good to know.

She turns around and sees blond hair. Omg, that's not possible! How?

Tears start to fall down, her heart cramps, quickly and carefully she leaves the bed. Her gaze wanders over the young woman in her bed. Kara.

She felt confused and couldn't deal with it, so she grabs some clothe and ran out of her apartment.

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