Chapter 13

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Again something happened that confused Sam. Something that you can't explain. It's as her daughter was right, what if she was like Supergirl? What if it was true? Her adoptive mother showed her the pod, but could it be true? She had to find out! She needs to know who she was.

"Hay Alex it's me. I'm gonna head out of town for a view days, could you look sometimes for Rube? We talk about it when I am back! Bye."

She left a voice mail for Alex and made her way to the answers.

The next day she woke up because of Ruby's voice. She couldn't believe what she told her. She never left, did she? How much she tried, she couldn't remember what happened.

Alex was too busy to come over again, so she couldn't talk to her about it.

The next blackout came and the next. Fear rises inside her, what is wrong with her? Why can't she remember!?

It was the next date with Alex when she finally broke under it.

"Alex, I think something is wrong with me."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know... I just have these blackouts...," Tears start to fall down her cheek.

"Hay, it's ok," Alex got up and limps to her, she could barely walk because of an injury.

They tried to stop an alien, which called herself Reign. But they failed and Alex got injured.

"Sam, calm down, you can talk to me."

"You remember when I went on that trip? I wanted to tell you all about it when I came back."

"Yeah, I remember."

"I was never on a trip Alex, at least I can't remember."

"What do you mean?"

"I just woke up in my bed but I can't remember that I was on a trip. And this wasn't the last time... I'm losing time Alex and I don't know why."

"Hay, we're gonna find out, I promise."

But she couldn't find something, all tests were negative.

"Alex, what is wrong with me?"

"I don't know... but Sam, I'm here for you and I will try everything to help and protect you... and Ruby."

Sam's gaze wandered to the TV, which showed Supergirl fighting.

"I... I have to go," Without an explanation she got up and left Alex alone.

"Sam? Sam!"

. . .

Reign terrorised the city more and more, which cause so much pressure inside Kara that she couldn't think about anything else. She needed to find a way to defeat her!

Lena noticed her mood and tried to be there for her like she was there for her every time she got a panic attack.

"Kara, what is in your mind? Please talk to me."

"It's just... It's Reign. I'm scared that she... I don't know that she would hurt you?"

"She won't. Kara don't be so worried. I'm safe."

"I know, I'm just... sorry, I ruined our date."

"No, you didn't. It's ok."

I need to find a way to stop her!

It's been weeks without any success. And slowly Kara went crazy. Knowing that Lena created Kryptonite wasn't helpful at all. The relationship between her and Supergirl was ruined and so the chance to tell Lena her secret. How could she do it when she hates her?

"Kara, darling? Are you ok? You're so tense in the last days."

"Yes, I'm sorry Lena."

"Ok... I'm gonna head back to the office, call me when you need me."

"I will, don't work too much."

"I won't."

Back at L-Corp Lena tried to fix Sam and defeat Reign.

"Lena, please."

"Sam, I'm sorry... you asked for my help."

"I want to see Ruby... let me call Alex!"

"Sam you know I can't let you do that. You know that Reign would do anything to hurt them."

"I want to go home..."

"And you will, I promise."

. . .

Worried, Alex sits in Kara's apartment.

"Kara, I haven't heard from her since that... and Ruby is somewhere safe, at least Lena told me this."

"Maybe she's with her? Maybe they try to find a cure for her blackouts?"

"I don't know Kara, something doesn't feel right."

"Ok... maybe..."

"No Kara, I can't wait any longer, I'm gonna head to L-Corp and I'm gonna find out what is wrong," Convinced that this is the right to do, Alex gets up.

"Then I'm coming with you!," Quickly, Kara changed into her Supergirl outfit.

Together they head to L-Corp.

"Lena?! What is all this?"

Confused, the two sisters look through the lap.

"Alex? Supergirl? What are you doing here?"

"I was concerned about Sam and thought you would know more. What is all this?!"

"Alex? Is that you?," Sam got up from her bed.

"Sam? Lena what are you doing with her?"

"I try to cure her and to defeat Reign."

"What do you mean?," Supergirl speaks up and goes to the cage.

"Sam is Reign."

"That's not possible."

"It is. I compared her blackouts with Reigns attacks."

Lena starts to explain everything to them.

"Where is Ruby?," Alex ask her.

"Somewhere safe."

"Lena, where is Ruby?"


"No! That's the only thing I can do for Sam right now. She's alone and scared, so tell me!"

"I promise, I will find a cure."

After getting the address Alex makes her way to the little girl.

"Lena, why didn't you tell us about all that?"

"What would you have done, when you knew about it?"

"We could search for a solution, together!"

Laughing Lena goes back to her tables.

"Why do you even want to work with me?"

"Because we are friends Lena."

"No Supergirl, we are not friends. We never were. So please go so I can work in peace."

"I... ok..."

After that, the DEO tried to help Lena to find a solution.

Kara tried to avoid her to figure out what she should do. Their relationship as Supergirl and Lena is completely destroyed, and she couldn't change that.

> A/N
Sry for the time jumps I didn't know how to do it so yeeeah... I didn't had ideas for this

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