Chapter 4

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It's been a few weeks since Lena woke up again. She was scared of going home again. Scared of being alone in that big apartment. But she was also scared to close her eyes. To see what happened all over.

Even if she woke up, her mind still tortured her with the pictures and the memories. She tried to escape them, but nothing helped.

It's her first day of being home. But she didn't felt safe here anymore.

She sits down on her couch, trying to think about something else.

Why can't I just be... normal? Why can't they stop judging me by my family's name? What do I have to do that they leave me alone?

Tears falling down her cheek again. She pulls her legs to her chest and wraps her arms around them.

While she sits there one person comes into her mind.


She's the only one who could calm her down. Make her feel loved.

Are you still up?

She didn't has to wait long for a reply.

Yes, I am. Are you ok?

Can I call you?

Of course, always :)

Not wasting a second Lena types in her number and calls her.

"Hay, are you alright?," Kara's voice calms her down immediately.

"Yeah... I just wanted to hear your voice."

She closes her eyes and concentrates only on the sound of Kara's voice.

"Lena... Are you sure you're good?"

It takes a while for her to answer.

"I... I don't know..."

Through the phone Kara hears her sobbing.

"I'm coming over, wait a minute."

"No Kara, you don't have to!"

"See you in a few minutes!"

She didn't lie that she just needs a few minutes to arrive Lena's apartment. A knock at the door tells her that her friend is there.

After opening the door she got pulled into a hug.


"Hay. What happened?"

"Come inside."

Again Lena sits down on the couch, pulling her legs to her chest.

"So? Why did you call me so late?"

"I'm just... It's nothing."

"Lena, talk to me." Carefully she lays her arm around her shoulder.

Thankfully, Lena leans against her and closes her eyes. And for the first time her mind was silent, she felt safe again.

"Can you just be here for me?"

"Of course. All you need!"

"Thank you..."

Tired she buries her head in Kara's shoulder. Her steady heart beat calms her down and slowly she falls asleep.

All the time Kara stays besides her. Carefully she lays Lena's head on her lap and turns on the TV. But she can't concentrate on it. Her gaze always falls down to the face of the younger woman. Her hand starts to stroke through her hair.

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