Chapter 37

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A few days later, their bags are packed and they're on their way to Eliza. Lena insisted on driving, so they're sitting in the car.

"Love, this view is so beautiful!," She stares out of the window with a big smile on her mouth.

"Just like you are," Kara lays a hand on Lena's leg and strokes with her thump over her skin.

"Let's buy a house on the country side!"


"No, in a few years! Look at these views Kara! Imagine to wake up to this. Just like Norway!"

"Ok then... Let's do that!"


"Sure, if that's what you want?"

"Yes, but do you want this?"

"Lena, I want you to be happy. When you're happy, I am happy."

"I'm happy just when you're with me," With a big smile, Lena leans over to press a kiss on her cheek.

Just a few hours later they arrive in Midvale.

They're not even an hour there and Lena and Eliza are lost in their own conversation.

Kara's gaze wanders over the face of her now fiance. She gets lost in her emerald eyes, a smile appears on her lips.

"What would you like to eat? Kara? I think she's lost in her mind," Eliza laughs slightly.

"Love, we're talking to you," She turns around to her and laughs when she sees her face, "You're starring."

"What? No!"

"You are, so what would you like to eat?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know? Did this ever happened before?," Lena turns around to Eliza.

"I don't think so, I'll just go and order something and let you two alone for a moment."

"So my love, why didn't you listen?"

"You just look so beautiful," With eyes full of love, she lays her hands on Lena's cheeks, causing her to blush.

"Do you remember our first night in Norway?"

"Of course, why?"

"The way you went through the little house and the way you cuddled up to me in the middle of the night... that was the moment I knew that I want to spend every moment with you and that I will always protect you."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Lena, would you marry me?"

Lena chuckles and points to their hands: "I think I already answered this question my love."

"So would you?"

"Of course Kara."

"The food is ordered, would you like to see some old pictures of Kara, Lena?," Eliza steps back into the living room.

"Yes! Please!"


With a big grin, Eliza pulls out some old photos and sits down next to Lena.

"Please dooon't..."

"Oh come on Kara, I'm sure Alex old pictures are more embarrassing."

"She's right, yours are just from your teenage years, since we don't have some from you as a baby."

"I would've loved to see baby Kara! I'm sure you were a cute kid."

"We could go to Argo City, maybe my mum has some...," Kara whispers without thinking about it.

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