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"Kara, Kara please wake up."

"Just five more minutes", Kara mumbles into her pillow.

Lena rolls her eyes in annoyance and shakes her lover by her shoulders. "Kara, get up! She's coming."

"Five more... wait! What?! What did you say?"

"You have to get me to the DEO." Lena's voice starts to shake slightly.

Now fully awake, Kara sits up with widen eyes, starring down at Lena's baby bump. Her hands start to shake nervous. "But isn't it too early?"


"Yes, of course!" While she flashes out of the room, to pack some clothe, she calls Alex to let her know that they will meet at the DEO. After that she picks Lena up, which cuddles into her arms and let herself fly through the night.

Alex already waits for them at the little hospital bed.

"I still can't understand why you're not in Argo City." She greets her sister.

"Alex, it will work. Can you two stop worrying? I will be fine. WE will be fine."

"Let's hope so."

Since Lena knew about her pregnancy, she worked on a portable damper so they could stay on earth and with their friends. But here and there it has its moments and stopped working for a few minutes.

Suddenly, Lena moans in pain and lays her hands on her stomach.

"Hay, are you ok?" A worried Kara already stands next to her bed, her hand on her cheek and the other one next to Lena's.

"Kara, it's just a contractions. It's normal."

"But she's in pain!"

"Love, I'm fine." Lena tries to calm her down and smiles up to her.

But Kara stays worried about her and won't leave her side, not even for a second.

While Alex takes a look over Lena and the baby, Kara brushes softly through Lena's hair.

"Ok..." Alex starts but gets interrupted by Lena's voice.

"Is she ok? Let me see the results."

An amused chuckle escapes Alex, followed by a nod. "She's fine. Don't worry. And no, I won't show you the results. You have to stop thinking for the next hours and concentrate on giving birth."

Her gaze wanders over to her little sister. "Kara, you can lie down next to her, your nervous shaking makes me crazy. Comfort your wife and call me when the pain gets worse."

"Wait, where are you going?"

"I'm right next door, giving birth takes time Kara."

Nodding, Kara lies down next to Lena and lays her arms around her body. Lena snuggles right into her arms.

"How are you feeling? Are you ok?" Kara whispers to her.

"Yes Darling."

A big smile appears on Lena's lips, causing a confused gaze of Kara.

"We will be parents..."

"Yeah..." Smiling, Kara puts her hand on Lena's belly and listens to the heartbeat of their little daughter.

"I love you Kara, I love you so much."

"And I love you."

Both smile at each other before Lena pressed a soft kiss on Kara's lips.

Hours are passing by until Lena begs for the pain to stop, hiding her face in Kara's body.

"Come on Lena, you can do this!"

"Please make it stop. I can't do that. Make it stop..."

"Kara, sit down behind her and help her to lie comfortable." Kara does as she's been told, pressing a kiss on Lena's head she grabs her hands.

Suddenly the door opens a bit and Sam enters. "I'm here, this is so exciting!"

Right in that moment, Lena's body falls against Kara. Her breathing gets slowly and her eyes shut close.

"Lena, hay Lena!"

"Alex, her pulls is falling down."

Alex gaze wanders worried to Sam, signalling her to get Kara out of the room. The nurse, which stayed with them already pulls Kara from the bed.

"What's going on? Alex answer me!"

"Sam, get her out of here."

They drag her out of the room, being able to do so since Kara forgot her powers. She's to worried about Lena to even think about using them right now.

"What is going on?" Kara points her question to Sam.

"I'm sure she's gonna be fine."

After hours, Ruby and her siblings arrive at the DEO.

"How is Auntie Lena?" The little girl next to Ruby ask. Her big eyes are starring up to Kara while she grabs Kara's hand. "Mummy said I'm getting someone to play with, is that true?"

The kids eyes make Kara's face go soft and she knees down in front of her. "Yes I think you will little one."

"Yay!" Her brown eyes start to shine in joy and in that moment Kara saw her sister in the little girl. Her fox brown hair falls into her face and she got the same dimples on her cheeks when she smiled.

Suddenly, Alex approaches them.

"Lily, can you go with Ruby and Jeremiah to the room over there? Mummy will join you in a few minutes." She says with a little smile, after she placed a soft kiss on the foreheads of their kids.

"What happened? Is Lena ok?"

Alex face won't give her an answer and so she tries it again. She needed to know what happened and if Lena is ok or not. But her sister's expression won't show anything.

"Alex I swear... what happened?!"

"There were some complications during the birth. Lena is-"


"Kara, calm down. She will be ok, but she is still unconscious."

"Oh thank Rao. Alex don't do that to me!"

She grins slightly before she points to the door. "Your daughter is beautiful. Go on, she's asleep right now."

Exhited, Kara jumps up and runs to the room.

After Kara left, Sam grabs Alex's hand so she turns to her. "Alex, what happened?"

"The damper stopped working for a few minutes and it seems like the baby would tear her apart. Don't worry, she will be fine. I just didn't want Kara to know."

"You are scared that she would hate her baby for nearly killing her wife?" Sam asks her softly and Alex nods. "Now come one I wanna see the little sunshine."

Smiling, they join Kara in the small room.

Lena lays on the hospital bed under white sheets. She looks peaceful.

Kara stands next to her, her goofy puppy grin brights up the room while she looks down on the little baby in her arms. "Oh Lena, she's so beautiful!"She whispers over and over again.

"What's her name?" Sam whispers.

"We thought about calling her Alex."

Her older sister chocks. "What?"

"Yes. Alex, you're our biggest supporter and... we hoped you would be ok with that?"

"Of... of course I am. I feel flustered..."

"So Alex it is."

> A/N
sorry for the aprupt end, I had a massive lack of ideas and motivation, but i plan on writing a part 2 (answer some questions that didn't get solved and doing some other stuff). I just don't know when I find time to write this.

But well, I hope you liked this little story, peace out and bye!

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