Chapter 7

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Kara had much to do the next days, so she couldn't be there for Lena. But she still managed to write or call her a few times.

Lena instead tried to push her feelings and memories away and lost herself in her work.

She couldn't see that she just bottled everything up, till it was too late and she broke under it.

It was in the middle of the day when she got her panic attack, caused by a loud explosion somewhere in the city.

Scared, she froze a moment and then hides on the floor next to her couch.

Kara wasn't there to calm her down. She was out as Supergirl, saving the day. So Lena was all alone by herself.

Her assistant was already gone because of some family issues and no meetings for the day.

Lena fought against the memories, fought against her up rising panic.

It's ok Lena, you're save. Nothing can happen to you in here. Calm down Lena. Just think about something nice. Think about Kara! Yes just think about her!

She tried her best to calm down again. But how could she? Again and again something explode outside the building.

She felt how her mind slipped away.

Kara, please come back!

Meanwhile Supergirl fought against the flames, saved the kids out of the burning building. Who would do something like that?!

Minutes later at the DEO Winn told her why.

"The building belongs to Lena Luthor."

That's why. It was clearly revenge.

OMG Lena!

"I have to go! Keep your eyes open!"

"Of course- And she's gone... why am I still talking to myself..."

Full in her Supergirl suit Kara flies through the window of Lena's office.


"Kara? Is that you?," The tears blurring her sight.

"No... It's... It's Supergirl," Carefully, she sits down in front of the broken woman.

"Hay, you're save. It's ok."

Lena's body still shakes and her arms are wrapped around her legs.

"Where is Kara?"

"She's... save, don't worry. I'm sure she'll get here any minute."

She noticed that she couldn't help her, not as Supergirl. Slowly she gets up again to leave her and change into her daily outfit, to the person Lena needed, to Kara.

"Please!," Scared, Lena grabs her hand, "don't leave me..."

"I... ok."

She helps her up and sits down next to her on the couch.

"It's gonna be ok."

"Can you stay till Kara is here?"

"O... Ok..." What am I supposed to do now?!

Desperate, Lena clings to her, to scared of being alone again.

"Do you need something?"

"Just don't leave, please."

Luckily for Kara, Lena felt so exhausted that it didn't took her long to fall asleep in her hero's arms. Mumbling in her sleep her arms fall down and her head rested now on Supergirl's shoulder.

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