Chapter 12

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Lena stayed over at Kara's. She couldn't leave after the news of the last day. She just wanted to stay close to her, as long as she could.

It was still a miracle for her that Kara declared her love. She couldn't believe it. How was it possible, that she felt the same? How could SHE, a Luthor, be so lucky?

With a big smile on her lips she watched the blond woman, which was still asleep.

Carefully, she brushes her hair out of her face and strokes with her finger over her soft skin.

Kara Danvers how is it possible that you would love me?

A little moan escapes Kara after Lena takes her hand away and she opens her eyes.

"Good morning," Still smiling, Lena slides further to her.

"Morning," Kara also starts to smile after she saw that Lena was still next to her.

Lena starts to get a little bit shy. She noticed how Kara's hand rested on her waist, caressing her skin though the shirt.

"Everything ok?," She noticed her mood swing and was instantly worried about her, so she pulls her more to her.

"Yeah, everything is... perfect," Blushing, she tries to concentrate on something else. Where did her confident came from when she thought about kissing her?

"Ok," Again smiling, she continues to stroke over her waist.

Like Lena, Kara couldn't believe it. She wanted to keep her near her, to feel her, to be with her.

They stared into their eyes, both not wanting to get up.

Lena's gaze wandered to her lips, unsure if she should take the step and also too insecure to really do it.

Kara could feel that she was kinda lost in her mind again, so she laid her hand on Lena's cheek and forces her to look her into the eyes again.

"Hay Lee, you're ok, I'm here."

"I know...," A little smile appears on her lips. But that's the problem. No not a problem, but... oh Kara, how can I tell you...

She leans against her hand, closing her eyes for a moment.

"Do you think my boss would be angry if we stay home?," Kara asks with a big grin.

"I don't think so. I mean, you feel sick right?"


Laughing, they cuddle up more and Lena lays her head on her shoulder.

After a few more hours in bed they decide to get up and grab some food.

Lena got some comfortable clothes from Kara and after getting ready they leave her apartment.

They grab some coffee and tea and some donuts and make their way to the park to sit down on a

Silent they eat and watch the people around them.

Back on their way home Lena gets some panic. The streets are full of people and loud noises, which caused that her memories starts to flood her mind.

"Lena? Are you ok? Hay, Lena," Kara grabs her hand, pulls her more to herself and into an empty side street.

"Shh, Lena, I'm here, I protect you."

"Please don't leave me."

"Never. It's not far anymore. You can do it."

For the rest of their way Kara won't let go of Lena's hand.

At her apartment they sit down on the couch and Kara pulls her next to her.

Hesitant, Lena crawls on her lap and leans against Kara's body.

It didn't take her long till she calmed down again.

"Lena, can I get up? I need to write Alex."

Lena just shakes her head.


"But it's so comfortable."

"I just have to grab my phone," She points to her phone at the kitchen table, but Lena still refused to get up.

"Fine, I'm gonna carry you."

Laughing she gets up with Lena in her arms. A soft cry escapes Lena, surprised how strong Kara is.

"Hm, can you take my phone? Or I have to set you down."

Lena pretends to think about it, but grabs the phone when Kara wants to put her down.

"Thanks," She goes back to the couch and asks Lena to give her the phone.

"What would I get for it?"

A Kara pressed a surprising kiss on Lena's cheek and takes her phone from her.

I'm with Lena, won't come in today!

Ok, have fun you two 👀

Alex! No! We're not at that point.

Go solve your sexual tension and tell me how she reacted! (Not to your attempts at seduction please)

Sometimes I really hate you, have fun with Sam. See you

We will 👀

"Why are you blushing? Let me see!," Finally, she broke her frozen state.

"Nooo. It's nothing. It's just Alex being my sister."

Lena raises her eyebrow.

"It's not important, it was just about her and Sam," She lied, too shy to tell her the truth about it.

"Ok? And what exactly?," Now Lena was curious.

But Kara didn't want to tell her, so Lena took all her confident and sits on her lap but now she's facing her.

"Come on, it can't be so awful."

"It's not, it's just embarrassing."

"Oh did she tell you about their sex life?"


Laughing, Lena leans her head on Kara's shoulder.

Kara puts her phone away and wraps her arms around Lena.

"Stop laughing!"

"I'm sorry babe"

Kara froze for a moment, which confused Lena a bit. Finally, she realized what she said.

"Oh didn't mean to..."

"No... I was... I am just surprised."

Lena clasped her hands behind Kara's neck and like always her blue eyes captured her.

"Do you want to... watch a movie?"

Lena shakes her head and lays one hand on Kara's cheek.

"I... want you... and only you"

Kara's cheeks turn into a deep red, while her hands wander up to Lena's neck.

Slowly, she pulls her face near her. Lena's finger strokes over her lips, her eyes wander up and down between her eyes and lips.

Finally, their lips connect. They both felt the same in that moment, being loved, happiness and relieved. Relieved, because they both knew the other one loved them.

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