Chapter 27

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It is one day before Alex birthday.

Lena and Kara are finally back, since Lena sold her apartment, they are staying in a hotel.

"It's freaking cold here..."

"You can have one of my hoodies tomorrow."

"I just have long sweatpants...," She searches through their bags. They left most of their stuff back in Norway, since they didn't know when they get back to National City and they wanted to get back at least for a few more days.

"That's ok, it's just Alex."

"And what if we decide to stay longer?"

"Then I fly back and get our stuff, but right now I just want to sleep..."

"Yeah ok, I'm gonna stay up a little bit longer."

"Don't stay up to long."

"I won't."

Kara gives her a short hug and crawls on the bed.

"No goodnight kiss today?," Lena turns around to the a sleeping Kara. Rest my love.

She sits down next to her and pulls the blankets over their bodies. After that she takes her laptop and goes though some work. She's still working on that alcohol thing for Kara.

Around an hour later, Kara cuddles up to her. Even asleep she knows when I work to much, fine my love...

Smiling, Lena puts the laptop away and lays down next to her. She cuddles into Kara's arms and closes her eyes.

"Goodnight my love."

The next day started late for the two. Kara woke up before Lena, so she got them some breakfast.

Careful, she climbs over Lena and leans down. She presses a kiss on her cheek and her forehead to wake her up. A little bit grumpy Lena tries to push her away.

"Five minutes...," She whispers.

Grinning, Kara press a kiss on her lips and strokes with her hand over Lena's body. Now awake, Lena lays her arms around Kara's neck and pulls her more into the kiss.

"Good morning beautiful," Kara gets up again.

"Don't stooop," Pouting, Lena tries to pull her back.

"We have to be at Sam's and Alex in an hour, we have to eat and you will probably get a shower," She gives her the food.


Even with Kara flying them, they were too late.

"Is that really ok like this?," She looks down on her comfy clothe.

"Lena, you look beautiful. It's just my family and our friends, it's totally fine."

Nodding, she takes Kara's hand before they knock on the door.

"Hay you two!," Sam opens the door with a big smile and pulls them into a hug.

"Let me see what my sister got you! It's so beautiful, I'm so happy for you two!"

"Thanks Kara, come in. Alex is in the living room. Your mum is already here."

"Oh Rao... how did she react? Are you ok? Is Alex ok? Is she angry?"

"Kara let her breath."

"I think she likes me, I don't know. But she definitely adores Ruby."

When they get in, Kara takes Lena's jacket and gives it to Sam.

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