A Volatile Mixture

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 "So you told him what exactly?" Brett asks as we walk into the locker room, "I told him the truth" I shrug. "Which is what?" Brett pushes, "that I love him but I am not in love with him" I tell her, "ouch" Foster comments.

"He left me no choice" I defend, "I mean trying to kiss me, like what was he thinking?!" I exclaim. 

"The same thing that we are all thinking" Brett replies, "that you guys are going to get back together" she mentions. "Well you can think that all you want but it's not happening" I state, "so you guys are done?" Foster asks.

"We were done the second he told he never really loved me" I don't change my mind. 

"But he was lying" Brett points out, "that's not the issue" I counter, "the issue is how his default is hurting me" I clarify. "I can't tell you the amount of times he has been overwhelmed with emotion and ends up taking it out on me instead of talking with me" I add.

"I can't do that back and forth anymore" I admit, "always on edge, wondering if he is going to switch up on me again" I explain. 

"It's always me who gets hurt" I point out, "then he thinks saying sorry is going to take away all the tears and distress that he caused" I add. "I'm tired" I keep going, "I'm just really tired of it all, I can't go through it again" for my own sake I definitely can't. 

"I get that" Foster comments, "sometimes the people you love don't always deserve it" she sees things from my perspective. 

"But this is Severide" Brett stays on his side, "he loves you more than anything and you know it" she points out. "He doesn't act like it half the time" I argue, "he knows he really messed up this time, I'm sure he'll change" she says. 

"It's been 4 years since I met him, how long does it take someone to change?" I question and Brett gives up on defending him.

Knowing I'm right.

"I'm not saying he is a bad person, but he is a bad partner" I add, "and I just don't have the time to wait around for him to change" we finish getting changed. 

"But if he showed you that he changed, you'd be willing to give him another chance?" Foster questions. 

"Probably" I nod, "but he isn't going to change" I close my locker. 

"You never know, he might surprise you" Foster mentions as we walk into the living area, "I doubt that" I reply. "You willing to put your money where your mouth is?" Foster challenges, "what you got in mind?" I question.

"If he proves to you that he's changed and you guys get back together before New Years then you owe me $100" she offers, "and if you don't then I owe you $100" she adds.

"You have got yourself a deal" we shake hands on it.

"Easiest 100 bucks I have ever made" we stand in line for breakfast, "not getting my heart broken and a new pair of shoes" I joke. "This is going to be the best new years yet" I state, "it's only October, there is still time" she argues.

We sit down across from Hermann, Otis and Kidd, who are looking into data from Molly's expenditure, I assume. 

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Well for 2 months in a row now, profits at Molly's has been sinking" Kidd answers, "that's around the time you stopped coming, Lewis" Hermann comments. "I don't think me no longer buying soda is the reason you're profits are sinking" I remark.

"Not you but when you stopped coming, Jess did too" he replies.

"Oh yeah" Kidd nods, "Jess did bring us a lot of revenue" she agrees, "either from all the drinks she bought or all the guys that came just to look at her, aka Cruz" she teases. 

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