For Abigail

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It's still unbelievable that they still don't believe me, no matter what I say, they think that I'm crazy and not making sense. Constantly getting betrayed by people I thought I could trust seems to be where it always ends for me. 

Walking through the firehouse, pretending not to hear their whispers and sympathetic glances. 

They all think that I am making this up, falling for Harry's act at the fire, while they see me as someone whose sense has been compromised by loss. 

I haven't even thought about Amber's death, I refuse to because I know it will ruin me and I need to make sure she has justice before I break down. Plus, I need to be strong for Abigail, she still doesn't quite understand the concept of death.

I had to explain that her mother wasn't coming back but it hasn't set into her young mind.

I can't blame her.

Who would want to understand such a tragedy.

Losing my father when I was a grown woman was devastating enough, I can't imagine how that pain floods a little girl. 

Amber is gone and Abigail will never be the same.

Harry stole Amber's life and Abigail's innocence, for that he will pay the price, I will make sure of it. 

Knocking on Boden's office door, noticing he is in the company of the arson investigators and the detectives from before. I don't even know why they are here, they have already decided that I am crazy and that's clouding their judgement. 

"You wanted to see me, Chief" I keep my head up, not letting them know that I am slightly intimidated. I mean who wouldn't be? Walking into a room full of people who are all against you, having to convince their closed minds of something so obvious.

"Lewis, please come in" I thought Boden would at least have my back, I mean he is a father himself. 

Maybe that's why he believes Harry so much, because they are both 'father's'.

"I hope you have taken the correct time to relax and start to see things clearly" the detective undermines me as soon as I walk in. "Oh I'm relaxed" I state, "and I do see things clearly, I have been seeing things clearly from the very beginning" I remind them.

"Can't say the same for you guys" I remark, "Lewis, they are here to help us out" Boden interjects.

"Help?" I scoff, "okay, since you are here to help, tell me what you have found" I turn to them. 

"We have gone through the house over and over and we can assure you there is nothing suspicious" I roll my eyes, not thinking that they would say anything else because they aren't trying.

"Like I said before, you aren't looking hard enough" I don't change my tune, "because if you were, you would have found something because I'm telling the truth" I state. 

"We can't find something that isn't there" they argue.

"No you can't find something because you can't do this job with closed eyes" I remark.

"Lewis! That's enough!" Boden tells me off, "I don't think it is" I stand my ground, "in fact, I don't think any of you are doing enough" I point around the room. "You should be ashamed of yourselves" I snap, "there is a little girl who has lost her mother and none of you seem to give a damn!" I exclaim. 

"We care about Abigail" Boden steps in, "but we just have to look at the facts" he continues. "The fire wasn't started by the father" he states, "and we have no evidence that Harry Beluna was abusive so we have no grounds to investigate" the detective chimes in.

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