What Will Define You

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I finish packing up the last of Benny's belongings in the living room, volunteering my help to make it easier on Kelly and Jennifer.

The more I pack away, the more I learn about Benny.

Sure he wasn't the most perfect father but he was a good man who did have lots of love and pride for Kelly.

Piling the box on top of the others, I start to open another box for the more personal items, such as the pictures that line his fireplace. Most of the pictures are of Benny shaking the hands with other crucial members of the CFD, from when he was being commemorated for his hard work.

The Severide name definitely carried weight in the CFD and it's all because of Benny.

One picture stands out from the rest, it's of a young Kelly, almost unrecognisable in his high school uniform. He does have the same youthful toothy grin, that hasn't changed.

"That was from his Sophomore year" Jennifer comes up behind me, looking at the picture as well, "God, I almost forgot how much he looked like his father" she sighs, no longer bearing to look at the picture because of the overflow of emotions.

I go to put the photo away but she stops me.

"You should keep it" she tells me, "oh no" I shake my head, "this belongs with you" I politely decline. "I got enough pictures, take it" she insists, "are you sure?" I double check, "yes" she nods and I thank her for it.

"I just cleared up his whole office and it's not there" Kelly walks in with another box.

"Well then I don't know where it is then!" She exclaims, "it's probably with one of those other floozies" she wipes her eyes, becoming emotional. "Don't stress yourself" Kelly comforts her, "we'll just have to forget about it" he sighs.

"Forget about what?" I interject.

"This medal that he got from the CFD" Kelly tells me, "you didn't happen to come across it, sweetie?" Jennifer questions as I think about everything that I have packed.

"No sorry" I don't remember a medal.

"He just always talked about being buried with it" Kelly sighs, "well, I'm sure it's around here somewhere" I try to keep positive. "It's not" he shakes his head, "it has to be somewhere, I can try and find it" I offer.

"No it's okay, I'll do it" Kelly declines.

"Please, let me do this for you" I plead and he nods.

"Okay" I smile, "I need to get to shift" I look at the time, "unless you want me to stay" I offer. "No, it's okay, go" he insists, "alright, I'll check on you later" I peck his cheek before hugging Jennifer goodbye, still holding onto the photo of Kelly.

Getting into my car, I put the photo on the passenger seat and drive into the firehouse, running into Casey on my way in.

"How's Severide?" He questions, "he hasn't been replying to my messages" he adds, "he's okay, just very stressed and overwhelmed with trying to handle EVERYTHING" I emphasise. "He won't let anyone handle any of the load" I add, "I basically had to beg him to let me find Benny's missing medal" I explain.

"Missing medal?" Casey asks.

"Yeah, it's this medal Benny got given when he left the CPD, in honour of all his hard work" I tell him, "it's not at the house, so Jennifer thinks he might have left it with his floozies or whatever that means" I add.

"She's probably talking about his many ex wives, he's got re-married a lot" I didn't know that.

"You know any of his exes?" I question, needing a place to start on my goose chase, "a few but I'm sure Hermann and Mouch would know more" he adds. "How about truck takes half of his exes and then Squad takes the rest" Casey tells me his idea.

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