Chapter 7

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Daivik started climbing the stairs while dialing a number in his phone. “Mr. Gilbertson?... Yes, Daivik Raj Nagpati here. I take back my words. I think you were right, I should allow my brother to fulfill his dreams. He deserves it. Thank you for accepting his request… He will be there by the coming week. Please let me know if you need anything else.” He disconnected the call and the main door opened announcing the doctor’s arrival. He turned back to see Manik running towards the doctor. Manik guided the doctor to the stairs, to take him to the guest room. “Don’t you think you are a little too late for the patient? It has been 45 minutes since I have called you Dr. Hembram.” Daivik’s voice was cold but furious, as though he is trying really hard to suppress his anger. “I.. I tried really hard Mr. Nagpati.. but due to the rain..” Dr. Hembram was stammering, he was visibly terrified of the person standing in front of him. He seemed to be of the same age of Daivik, perhaps a little younger. He was tall. Even with the glasses a deep pair of eyes filled with intellect was quite impossible to ignore but at the same the time the despair in it was something he was trying hard to hide. He had a fair skin tone but probably not well maintained. “Next time try even harder, otherwise who knows what might happen to your license. Now, please come inside.” Daivik said with an evil smirk pasted on his face all the while. Manik was looking at him with awe. He was trying hard to understand what is going on in his brother’s mind. But with the complicated exterior, his brother owned an equally complicated interior. His straight face leaves nothing for the audience to see apart from an emotionless mask.

They entered the guest room to see that Triss was already awake and trying hard to pull her head up so that she can sit properly but failing miserably. Within a millisecond Daivik was holding her arms. “Lie down! You are not well.” He commanded. Manik was surprised to see his brother being this concerned about Triss, when he seriously seemed quite unhappy about his acquaintance with her back at that discussion. “He is acting so fucking weird!” He said in his mind.



“My head, ugh, why is it hurting so much..?” I opened my eyes to see a deep darkness surrounding me. “What is this place, where am I? And what was that dream all about, ugh.. that shriek, why was he screaming so badly, what was it? I felt like I was drowning, as though I can’t breathe.” I felt wet, my cheek felt moist. “Was I crying?” I forgot the fact that I can’t recognize this place, I was totally engrossed in my thoughts, when a bright light hit my eyes. I could see the ceiling, it was too high and painted in creamy white. It seemed old. I tried to get up when a strong hand held my arms tightly, it was hurting me. I looked at the person, I know him, I know his face. His hands are warm he came close to my face and forced me to lie down on the bed. “Lie down! You are not well.” His commanding voice seemed so familiar, I nodded back and followed his command like an obedient child. Who is this man? I was in a trance when another familiar sound broke into me. “Hey kiddo, how are you feeling?” I looked up to see an unconventionally worried face of Manik with which everything came back to my mind. I felt embarrassed. “I am so sorry Manik, I.. I don’t know what happened.. you might be really mad at me.” I said, tears wailing in my eyes. “Hey.. hey..”  He came close and sat beside me. Patting my head gently he said, “obviously not! It was not your fault, don’t blame yourself for it. See, the doctor is already here, you will be totally fine within a blink of an eye. Trust me. Mr. Hembram.. please..” He requested the doctor to check on me. “Hello there, how are you feeling now?” The doctor asked me charmingly. “Better, but this headache.. it is killing me.” I said holding my head. “You have temperature, did you have your lunch?” The doctor asked. “Yes, but right now I feel hungry.”  I mumbled and immediately felt embarrassed as the doctor smiled at me in a way as if I am a 5 year old kid. “Show me your hand. Keep breathing normally. Breathe in.. breathe out. “ Dr. Hembram said and I followed while he continued pumping on the B.P checking machine. “Hmm, a little low.” Dr. Hembram turned to face that man who I totally forgot was standing just beside me all the while. “She needs to eat something immediately, hot soup would be good. If you both please come out, I have something to talk about.” Dr. Hembram turned to face me again. “You didn’t tell me your name, don’t you think I should know that?” He said cheerfully. I was about to answer him when another voice interrupted my attempt. “Teressa  Brown! I hope you are done here Dr. Hembram ?” Now I looked up at the man properly. His whole body seemed to be the exact example for human anatomy. It seemed as though each and every muscle is properly forged out of a furnace. His adam's apple was a kind of attention seeker. His naturally tanned skin with the combination of that sharp jawline and above all those dark chocolate brown eyes were making my throat go dry. His dark brown hair was perfectly back brushed. What is he? A Greek God or something ? But then came the realization and my jaw dropped. “Is this the infamous DRN? The cruel lunatic Daivik Raj Nagpati?” I could not realize how loud I was. “Infamous?.. Cruel lunatic?.. Alas! That is what I am.” Daivik was not even intending to hide the smirk on his face. His intense eyes scrutinizing me from head to toe. “I am.. sorry..  I didn’t mean to say that.. it just came out of my mouth the way I've heard it.. I’m really so sorry Mr. Nagpati. “ I was immensely embarrassed, this day couldn’t have been worse. I tried to get up again but a piercing voice almost startled me to death. “Do you really want me to show how cruel I can be? If not..then stay put.” The cold raging voice of Daivik made me shiver. What is wrong with this man? Can’t he behave like a normal human? “I want to talk to you Manik.” I said looking at him. I could feel a furious glare on me and I knew who it was but I tried to ignore it.

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