Chapter 13

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I entered the room with the tray of breakfast in my hands. Dr. Hembram was already there, ready to leave. "How is my kiddo doing Dr. Hembram?" I asked while closing the door behind me. "Totally ready to mesmerize the world with her energetic self." He said smiling at me then looking back at her he raised his eyebrows as if to get the acknowledgment and immediately she responded with her beautiful smile, "Yes, obviously." I was so waiting to see her like this, smiling, relaxed and back to her own self. "Medicines will be the same, I've just added a few vitamin supplements. Make sure she takes all those. She seems a little reluctant about her own health." He looked back at her with his lips pursed. "Trust me, I'll take care of myself. I promise." She looked at me and then at Dr. Hembram with puppy eyes and I saw Dr. Hembram shaking his head and smiling at himself. "Okay, I believe you and as I've totally accepted the invitation of visiting your bakery shop, I might even get to witness it with my own eyes." He said still smiling at her when she seemed quite excited about the matter. As, whenever she was truly excited about something she habitually swung her legs like kids. "You really will be coming to my aunt's bakery shop Arjun? Wow, I finally made another friend!" She was almost jumping on the bed and to my disgust smiling a lot. "It will be my pleasure, Triss." Dr.Hembram said and looked back at me. I was lacking words because I was shocked. What just happened? Why did he call her Triss? And Arjun? I never knew his first name, how did she get to know it? Wow! This is fast, like real fast. "I'm leaving then Manik. Please take good care of her." He said and I totally wanted to say that "she is my girl and I don't need any third person's advice. Stay out of this you shithead!" But all I could do was give him a curt nod and opened the door for him.

The very moment he left I couldn't help myself. I placed the breakfast on the small table beside the bed and sat beside her. I held her arms and turned her face towards me. "Are you going to tell me or I really need to ask you?" I asked her but she looked totally confused. I understood that I do need to ask her because she really was a dumbass! "When did you invite him? Why was he calling you "Triss" and why the hell did you call him "Arjun"? May I please know?" I was still trying to get it properly when she shoved my hands off her arms gently and looked at me as if I was an alien. "I just made a new friend. Do you know he is really nice" she smiled again and continued saying "even he loves nature a lot, just like me. He gave me his card and I invited him to the shop. Isn't it nice.. tell me.. tell me.. tell me?" Oh god! She looked so excited. I knew she didn't have any friends here other than me. It is actually good for her too to make new friends but the thought of her getting another friend was a little painful. Although I wanted her to be happy and also I won't be here for a few months, it's good if she gets to know someone else. Only that thought consoled me. "Am I getting replaced?" I asked making a sad face and she frowned immediately. "You are my baby bear, my best friend, how would anyone replace you? No one on this earth is able to replace you. Understood?" She made that determined face again and crossed her hands over her chest. This gave me enough confidence to leave for South Africa. I immediately pulled her into a hug and mumbled, "that's my kiddo!" I couldn't see her face but I could sense her smiling.


I really wanted to spend more time here but leaving aunt alone there made me feel restless. She was the only family left to me. I did not change my clothes from tomorrow. Yeah, it sounded nasty but trust me it felt even worse. I went inside the bathroom and washed my face properly. I've decided to take my bath after reaching home. That would be comfortable and I would finally get to wear fresh clothes. I tied up my hair into a bun and started gathering things. Finally I pulled Bruno in my arms and started moving out. The mansion is really beautiful. Yesterday it was dark outside but now the grandeur of it is even more breathtaking. The whole carpeted wooden floor, the too long corridors with designer oak doors attached to every room on it, the old iron railings, the huge chandelier, the wooden table and those soft leather couches, it was a comfortable surrounding. At least for me it was. I took the main staircase which seemed to have no end. Finally I got down and ran towards one of the most comfortable couches. I was panting badly when I heard the sound of giggling and mumbling of kids. "This is weird, this house seemed to have no kids yesterday. Or was there any and I failed to notice?" I asked to myself while standing up. I was really curious to know where did the sound come from. I started following the mumbling and giggling sounds and it landed me outside the mansion. Then I turned right and got closer to the sound. A huge open wooden door located on the right hand part of the mansion could be seen. I finally reached that part and peeped in a little. What I saw inside made my heart overwhelmed with amusement. " Is it a pre-school? This place could not have been better." I said to myself while smiling like a madman. Suddenly I felt a tap on my left shoulder. Startled I looked at the person. "You seem quite interested in kids." Her voice was trembling due to her age probably, she still had the warm and welcoming smile pasted to her face. "Yes, I love kids. Their tiny hands, tiny fingers, chubby cheeks.. I love everything about them." I was actually excited to see a pre-school here." Can I go inside once?" I asked her, she smiled and said "I am really sorry Teressa, even we are not allowed inside during the classes, Dev is really strict about this. Better luck next time." She consoled me. I hung my head and turned around and unable to control my big mouth I mumbled, "there is no better luck when that devil is around" and immediately I placed my hand over my mouth when I saw Pratima Ji's eyes went wide. She started laughing and said "not everyone in this house has this courage. You should come down here often." I bit my tongue and made a sorry face. She continued smiling and said "don't feel sorry. Dev does have a very rough exterior. His hot headedness is really a threat to all of us but he is not that bad after all." She paused in front of the main door and looked back at the direction of the school. "This school is built by him for the needy kids, who might not get good environment, good education, good food back at their houses. They are provided with every sort of help." She looked back at me. It did change a lot about the impression of that person, at least in my eyes. I couldn't say anything but smiled at her.

"I am leaving Pratima ji, hope to see you soon." I said while Manik came down. Pratima ji looked a little unsure about something. She looked up at Manik and said, "don't you think you should wait for your brother to come back? He has been really worried about her." Manik looked at her and then looked back at me, I shook my head in a "no". I really didn't want to bother them any further and also I wanted to see my aunt as soon as possible. "No worries, I'll manage that Pratima ji, she is in a hurry today. I hope you understand her situation?" Manik looked at her sincerely, she left a sigh and nodded. "Okay then, take care Teressa. Please come here whenever you get time." She said with another smile of hers and I couldn't help but hugged her in return. She patted my back, just like my father. I released her from my embrace and said, "please stay safe, stay healthy. I'll come HOME soon." What? Did I just say home? My cheeks immediately turned beet red and I bit my tongue again and mumbled "sorry, I meant, I'll come back soon."

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