Chapter 18.

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Picture of Deji's mom above


I pretend not to acknowledge her presence when in fact, the moment she steps into the adjoining part of the suite which we both share, I immediately notice her presence.

I bolt for the door the moment she steps out and listen as Kwame speaks to her, no doubt dishing out compliments.

"You look absolutely gorgeous." I hear him say. Truth be told, she did look fine but was she expecting me to tell her when she is going on a date with him?

But you permitted it. My subscioncious says.

"Thank you, Kwame." She says back. Wait a minute. What happened to Mr. Boateng that she took so much pleasure in saying yesterday as she found it hard to call him by his first name even after the several attempts he had made to change that. This lady is just good at pretending. I give her a medal for that.

Guy, how far. Timi's message buzzes in on whatsapp.

The construction is still ongoing. I type in and hit the send button.

What is the expected time of completion? He sends back.

Six to seven months from now. I reply him.

That sounds great. He replies, adding a thumbs up emoji.

Personally, I am happy about this branching out. The plan is to set up Jimdey in at least one major city in difference countries accross Africa.

My mind drifts back to her. What is even wrong with me? It's not like she is all that pretty. Well, scratch that. She actually is but she just brings out the worst of emotions out of me.

At 8pm, I hear voices outside the door, signifying their return. After a while, there is shuffling and a knock follows suit.

"Who is that?" I ask, feigning ignorance.

"It is Uwa, Sir." Her voice sounds from outside. Does she not have her access card or what?

"Please I left my access card in my room." She says. Good! You will stay there today.

After fifteen minutes of totally ignoring her, I pick up the card and let her in.

"Thank you." She says, sighing as she stands up from the floor which she initially sat on. This does not bother me one bit because that is her punishment for going out with Kwame.

Without sparing as much as a glance at me, she enters the room and makes her way to her room.

"And where do you think you are going?" I ask her. Her body comes to a halt and she turns to look at me, wearing a loathsome glare.

"My room. Why?" She asks the last part with raised eyebrows. Wow, this woman thinks she can stand up to me now. Amazing.

"Nothing. Get lost." I say, dismissing her. I watch as she makes an attempt to say something but hesitates. With conflicting emotions in her eyes, she looks at me, more of glare at me before turning to make her way into her room.

Just as she opens the door, she looks back at me and speaks up.

"Have a peaceful night rest, Mr. Shodeinde." A small smirk comes up at the tips of her lips before she finally shuts the door, leaving me to my thoughts.


"I had a lovely time, Kwame. Thank you for the evening." I say to him as we arrive at the front of the suite. He smirks at me before speaking.

"Uwa, I should be the one thanking you." A sincere smile graces his face as he says those words.

"I will probably see you whenever I visit your country. Maybe I will give a try at the Jollof rice you so rate above ours." He adds, which leads to a chuckle from my side.

"Alright. Goodnight." I say to him.

"Goodnight, ahonfe. And Goodluck too, you will need it." He gives me a light hug before doing a mock bow and heads for the elevator. Blowing his signature airy kisses, he punches the elevator buttons, making the door slide before finally closing.

I rummage through my purse to search for the access card but discover that I am only with the one for my room, which means that I left the one for this door in my room. Great!

Left with no choice, I knock on the door.

"Who is that?" I hear Deji's voice from within.

"It is Uwa, Sir." I reply him and when I hear no other response from the room, I speak again.

"Please I left my access card in my room." This man does not even say anything to me. When he feels like answering me, he will. Exhausted, I sit on the floor, hoping that this evil human being opens the door because the hall is air conditioned and the chill air from it is already getting into my skin.

At exactly fifteen minutes of totally ignoring me, I hear the door sound, meaning it has been opened. Yes, fifteen minutes because I checked. This man kept me here for this long for reasons best known to him. Whatever they are, he is just being inhumane.

"Thank you." I say, sighing as I stand up on my feet. I really want to strangle him right now but the reminder that he is still my boss is one reason why I have once more decided to be quiet about this.

Without sparing as much as a glance at him, I make my way into the room, heading straight to my room.

"And where do you think you are going?" His voice stops me. What have I done to this man to deserve this for crying out loud? Can he not just leave me alone? I stop in my tracks and turn to look at him, wearing a loathsome glare.

"My room. Why?" I ask him with raised eyebrows. Whatever prompted me to do that, thumbs up to it. Afterall, liver no fail me for this one.

"Nothing. Get lost." He says with a wave of his hands like I am nothing. The desperation to speak almost consumed me. God, I am so pissed off right now and I know that if I say something to this man, the chance of losing this job is very high. I silence the conflicting thoughts going on in my head and simply glare at him before going on with my steps to my room.

Just as I slide in the card to open the door, I look back at him again and speak up.

"Have a peaceful night rest, Mr. Shodeinde." A small smirk comes up at the tips of my lips before I finally shut the door, wishing he has a night as terrible as the person that he is.

The nerve of this man. I HATE HIM! GOSH! I HATE HIM! Whatever goes through that evil head of his is a wonder. How could someone this evil be so successful and worse still, my boss? Well, some people were lucky to be born with silver spoons in their mouths.

Right now, I need a hot bath to moderate the cold I feel. Peeling off the clothes from my body, I get into the bathroom and step under the shower to have my bath and wash away all the bad energy that oozed from that man. When I finally get the satisfaction I needed from the bath, I turn off the shower and dry my wet skin using the towels.

I step back into the room and change to my night wear before getting on my bed. Even though Deji tried to make Ghana hell for me, I am actually glad that Kwame made it fun.

Kwame. The thought of that man brought smiles to my lips. Though I could not catch what he said in parables but I hope to someday understand it like he had said.

Tonight, I will sleep like the baby girl that I am because I will finally be getting off the suffocating feeling of sleeping few feet apart from my boss and most importantly, I will be seeing Nimi once more.

Sorry for the delay, guys.
I have been down with malaria and just recovering.
Not fully well, though but good enough to upload this chapter for you all to read. I hope you enjoyed it.


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