Chapter 23.

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"Good morning. I will like to have a word with you in my office." That is the first thing he says to me on Monday morning.

"Yes, Sir." I quickly make his coffee and head to his office.

"Come in." He says after my knock.

"You requested my presence, Sir." I say quietly, waiting for his outburst.

"Oh. Please, sit." Did my ears just hear right? Boss man just said 'please' to me. This man is being polite? Well, this world must really be coming to an end.

"Alright." I reply, hesitantly.

"How do I start this?" He mumbles, touching his stubbles after taking a sip of his coffee. The man looks in a state of unease right now. What is the problem? Hope it is not the coffee again because I have made sure to be extra careful after the incident but then, he requested my presence even before the time I brought in his coffee, so it might be about it.

"So, Miss. Omozuwa." He says, snapping me out of my train of thoughts. Well, here it goes.

"I know I have not been the best of bosses to you since you started working here and I apologize for that." He says. Hmmmmm.

"Here." He passes the gift bag that I saw him enter the office with this morning to me, smiling slightly. To be very honest, I am confused. First of all, why is this man apologizing to me? Well, it is the right thing to do but what is the catch? His kind of people just don't give apologies like that. I collect the gift without taking a peek at its contents; it is better that way.

"Sir, I am confused." I voice out.

"You don't have to be, Uwa. I am simply apologizing." He smiles back. The devil smiles? Plus, he called me by my first name. It is not supposed to be a big deal but it is because this does not happen under normal circumstances.

"Okay, Sir." I reply him.

"So, am I forgiven?" He asks. Is he forgiven? I really don't know the answer to that question.

"Honestly, I don't know, Sir." I tell him.

"Uh. Okay. That's fine. You can take your time." He replies.

"Thank you, Sir. Please can I go back to my duty post?" I ask him.

"Sure." He says with a shrug. I quickly get up and walk towards the door. As I turn the door knob, I feel a presence behind me.

"Miss. Omozuwa." I hear him say. Why is he so close?

"Sir." I quickly turn around to face him. I don't feel comfortable at all and I don't like how my body is reacting to this either because this man is invading my personal space. He just stares at me, saying nothing.

"Sir?" I say, raising my eyebrows at him in question.

"You left this." He says, handing the bag to me.

"And please, Uwa. Call me Deji." He says in a raspy breath.

"Yes, Sir." I reply, nodding my head, in a rush to leave. This place is getting hot. What happened to the air condition?

"Say it." He says.

"Okay, Deji." I say. It feels more difficult saying it to his face. He smiles and walks back to his seat while I take my leave.

Once I get to the hallway, I let out a breath I never knew I was holding, fanning myself in the process. Well, that was weird.

Opening the gift pack, the contents are chocolates and some assorted biscuits. Who is this one trying to bribe? It seems like this sickness has messed with this man's brain because that is the only explanation to this his new character. The Deji I know is a brooding man, always angry and finding the slightest of reasons to look down or shout at people. I am sure it is the after effect of the sickness.

On the other hand, what if he is genuinely apologising? To err is human and to forgive is divine, they say, but this situation has made me understand how not so easy that statement is.

When I think back at the hurtful things he had said and did to me, I am baffled. Now, he wants forgiveness just like that? He even threw a question about my dad dying like a casual thing the other day. Who does that? If only he knows the impact of that statement. No one has a right to use a topic relating to death as a yardstick for scolding an offender. That is just plain wicked. Or in Ghana when he made me stay out in the cold. Gosh! This man wants to put me in a difficult position right now.


"So, who do you think will suit the job description and take up position as the new CTO (Chief Technological Officer) now that Mutuma has moved back to settle down in his country?" I ask Deji as we sip our coffee.

"I don't know." He says, shrugging his shoulders as he twirls his chair and the pen in his hands.

"How do you even drink that?" He asks, gesturing to my cup.

"This is some serious energy and joy giver, if you ask me." I giggle at the disgusted look he gives me. Boss man, it is just coffee.

"You should try it." I suggest, shrugging my shoulders.

"Please, that would be treacherous." This man, though. So much drama because of taste in coffee.

"Deji, this is exquisite. Try it." I slide the cup over to him. Shrugging my shoulders to him so ge can give it a try. I laugh as he carefully picks up the cup and hesitates before looking at me again then takes it closer to his mouth.

"Just do it." I say, giving him a thumbs up.

"If this goes wrong, you are toast." He says before taking a sip. Then one more. He drops the cup back on the table and picks up a piece of serviette to dab his lips and moustache.

"Not bad but please, I would rather stick to my usual." He says, shrugging.

"Yes, boss." I say, giving him a mock salute.

"How far, Deji?" That is Timi right here. I turn and smile to him while he nods, doing the same.

"This Mutuma guy, what do we do about the state he has put us in?" He asks.

"That's what Uwa was just asking me. What do you suggest because I have no idea who can fit into that position."  Deji says.

"New hands?" He suggests. I think that will be too risky. What of someone from that department?

"I will agree with you on the new hands part. Send a word to HR. Let them place a notice for job opening. We will be employing a new CTO." He says, switching back to his serious mode. Well, it is my job to do as I am told, so let me not pry on their decision.

"Right away. Any other thing?" I ask.

"What is the latest on Ghana?" He asks, still playing with his pen.

"Kwame says..." I begin but when I notice his change in demeanor, I start again.

"From the mail, Mr. Boateng says everything is 90% ready. Once it is set, he will let us know so we could go there for the launching." I say, smiling.

"That's good news." He says, reciprocating my smile.

"Great!" Timi adds, with so much enthusiasm.

Deji and I are civil with each other now, not exactly friends but at least, he is no longer mean to me.

"Hi, Natasha." I smile to her as I make my way to her table during break period.

"Babes, what's up." She asks, smiling and eating her plantain*.

"Deji says your department should put up a notice for the position of CTO." I say to her.

"Alright, we will." She says.

"Are you not having lunch?" She asks, raising her eyebrows.

"Not hungry. Take care." I tap her shoulders and go back to my office.

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