Chapter 23

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Oh sweet baby Jesus that is Hunter....

Let's all take a moment to just appreciate this god given man.

He's to sexy for his own good.

Anyways....let's get this chapter going!!


I have to do this for the rest of my life?

No no no no no no.

I can't. To much work and I don't like working. I'm a very lazy person.

Right now I'm playing with some kids at the school and reading them a book. This is kinda a break I thought when I came in but oh no.

The kids were running left and right. Throwing crap all over the room. They would scream and shout and I don't know how to calm them!

So when I came in I had to use my Luna voice to shut the little rats up! How did I manage to raise Roman.

After they all say down I read about 3 books until it was my time to go. The only time I like about this time is after I read the stories they come to me and hug me.

It was very cute if you asked me.

Ok the next thing on my agenda is a meeting with Alex. I really hate these meetings they are stupid.

I grabbed all my things and headed to the pack house to grab a apple.

"Hey Luna."

"Hey! Quick question is the meeting in the blue room or??"

"It's actually in our big room. We are having many alphas from around the U.S here to talk to you and Alex."

What? Why so many alphas?

I thanked the man and went to find the big room.

When I got their I saw Alex at the head of the table with a seat next to him. His face didn't look happy. He seemed more well angry.

I went over and touched his shoulder and he relaxed a little. He looked at me with love. That look always makes me melt.

"Daisy. Whatever we are about to tell you, you need to have an open mind ok?"

That concerned me. But I nodded. I mean I've been through a lot in my life.

When the rest of the Alphas came in we all nodded for we all respected eachother. One of the omegas came over and served food and drinks for us thank goodness.

Man I've been really hungry lately.

"Good Afternoon Alphas. I'm so thankful that you are here and on my side. We all know who Alpha Brown is and we know he should not be a leader of a pack at all. Now my mate Daisy has been watched by him for 3 years and he claims that she is his mate. Which is not true. He has not threatened us with a war to get her back which has made me and my pack very mad. I've started training with all my males of a certain age and up. All I ask is that you will be on my team on this time of need and I would love if some of your men would be able to help during this war."

My jaw was open. Some other guy wanted me? He thinks I'm his mate? What!! Oh no no more drama? He wants a war! What is wrong with this guy!!! I can't do this omg. Nope nope.


Who's Alpha Brown?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when another alpha started to talk. "How do we know if she really is your mate and not Browns?"

I saw Alex smirk at this. He seemed like he was prepared for this question. He had his arms crossed with that smirk and turned towards me.

Oh no...

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