Chapter 17

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Days passed with M-24 still in the Lab downstairs. Frankenstein is making sure to help in every way possible but his body cells are disintegrating at a fast pace. They all know what M-21 is feeling, to lost his comrade that just came back, to be given a flash of hope then cruelly snatching it back.

Raizel and Reina are both worried about his state of mind but they cannot do anything. Not when Frankenstein would glare at them every time Reina would look at him, that look that clearly states what she is thinking.

"I examined M-24's body and found out that the cells in his body were newly made. It is as if they were brand new. But at that time, his body was damaged... so much even I thought he was dead. And it makes sense to be in his current condition if his cells were regenerated somehow..."

"Why can't I just heal him? That will be the possible quickest way to heal him completely." Reina frowns at him, clearly annoyed as to why would he prolonged M-24's healing.

"You are too weak to heal him completely. You will not risk your life just because the process is too long. I will do my best to save him, don't worry."

Reina sighs in defeat when Raizel seems to agree with Frankenstein.

"And also, we also have to think of the possibility that he may not be the real M-24."

The two remained silent, they do not want to think of him as a spy. M-21 would be devastated if that is true.

M-21 emerges from the elevator, his eyes are pleading as he looks at Raizel and Reina.

"Can you help him... like how you helped me last time?" 

"M-21, are you talking about awakening your inner power? Like what master did for you?" Frankenstein looks murderous as he asked M-21.

"Yes, I'm sure M-24's ability will increase because it did for me... and if we treat him... " It is obvious that M-21's reasoning is blinded by his bond with his colleague.

"Not everyone is able to awaken their powers like that. It's only possible when you have the potential power to be awakened."

"How do you know when we haven't even tried yet? If that isn't possible, then isn't finding treatment impossible as well?" Reina can feel M-21's desperation in his words, he truly cherishes M-24.

"M-21, It's not as simple as that. An awakening is different from just presenting your inner power. Great power is pulled from the user not to destroy but to stimulate the other's hidden powers and bring that power up to the surface. To do such a thing, extremely strong power is needed. I cannot allow you to ask him of this since I already swore to never let him use his power... but I can do it for you if you want me to." Reina smiles at him. Frankenstein twitches and glares at M-21. Reina is in a much poorer state than his master, if she is to use her power further...

"M-21... are you saying that the Princess of the Nobles should spend her life force for M-24?" Frankenstein angrily asked, he knows that if Reina decided to do it then he can never stop her. But if it is M-21 that will stop her... then maybe.

"M-21, answer me." His entire demeanor changed as M-21 finally realized what he is asking.

"Frankenstein, enough of this. Let's just try it."

"Reina..." Reina looks at Raizel who is worriedly staring at her.

"Reina, M-24 is not like M-21. M-21 had potential power from the very start, but M-24 doesn't. If M-24's power does not wake up to a significant degree, it won't make much of a difference."

"Just like M-21 said, we wouldn't know until we try. If I cannot wake him up then I can at least use that technique. I can't let M-21 down." Her genuine smile broke down M-21's determination.

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