402K + addressing some things !

2.5K 35 23

a/n ~ hey guys! i hope you're all doing well. i just wanted to say, thank you so so much for 402K on best friends. i just wanna scoop u guys up and hug u forever. your constant support and love mean the absolute world to me, i swear. i really can't thank you guys enough. like seriously you guys are so sweet and the fact that my book is already at 402K, that's just insane to me.

also, some things to address. some people are still commenting that they don't like the flashbacks and honestly, kinda hurting my feelings a bit. so, i'm sorry if they annoy you or irritate you in anyway. that totally wasn't my motive, it just brought up a background story to some chapters and i thought they added a bit more detail in my head. but everyone has their own opinions, and that's totally ok and i respect that! i just wanted to ask for people to be a bit more polite and not so aggressive when it comes to those flashbacks. also same thing with my characters, if my writing irritated or still irritates u in anyway i apologize dearly. that was so not my motive. just hurtful comments about my characters can kinda hurt my feelings sometimes and i'm not calling anyone out in particular! just talking in general : )

that sounded so serious but i swear i just wanted to get some things off of my chest because this is a safe space and i don't wanna hide anything from you guys. also memories is still up and i'm still updating! so if you ever want to know what happened ever since the last chapter, you can read memories if you'd like to.

also, if you guys ever need any type of feedback or just any advice or anything at all. feel free to dm me anytime. i love helping back in anyway possible.

again, thank you so much for all the love. i love you guys sosososo much. i hope you guys are staying healthy and safe! also, make sure to check out the link in my bio!

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