3 - hide and seek

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(y/n)'s quirk!
energy - (y/n) can control all forms of energy! she can drain the energy from her opponents and take it for herself, can create energy 'orbs' she can shoot out from her palms, transfer one type of energy into another, and can sense the energy of her surroundings! she can produce electrical energy, thermal energy in the form of fire (although she can't control it like todoroki), store vast amounts of potential energy (but not for long, which causes her to always be tired), and has started to learn how to harness gravitational energy!

(y/n)'s pov - 10:39 pm

clas 1-a shuffled back to our dorms, exhausted from today's hero training. today, aizawa decided to torture us with three on one training. yeah, you heard me. three. on one. have you met my class? it's full of crazy strong psychos who put their all into everything. so obviously, when i got back to the dorms, i ran straight to my coffee machine.

mina chases after me, making sure i wouldn't skip out on the class game of hide and seek, god knows why we would even do that. "i need coffee, i overused my quirk in training." i mumbled out to the pink girl behind me.

"alright alright, just hurry up! or else we're gonna miss out on the first round!"

"remind me again why i have to play with you guys? we're a group of teenagers why are we even doing this?"

she shrugged, "apparently momo and todoroki have never played it before, and once uraraka heard, she forced us all to play."

"and why do i have to join?" i groaned, i just wanted to pass out, my bed was literally calling my body over!

"cause the whole class agreed to play!!! even bakugo! and i think deku managed to rope shinsou in too." mina excitedly exclaimed, bouncing on my bed as i chugged my fresh cup of black coffee. she outwardly cringed, watching me gulp down the drink as fast as i could. "okay! you're done let's gooooooooo!"

she dragged my arm, pulling me down the stairs into the main living room where the rest of the class was waiting. everyone had changed out of our normal uniforms, and the majority of us were wearing our pajamas. me included because nothing can stop me from wearing my fluffy socks after school.

"alrighty gang! we'll be playing a game of hide and seek tag for the lovely momo and todoroki tonight! the way this'll go is that the hiders will have five minutes to hide throughout the dorm building, and at the five minute mark, the seekers will be set loose! if a seeker finds you, you aren't out yet! the seekers must 'tag' you, and then you join the team of seekers! the game keeps going until all of the hiders are found! oooh! and quirks are allowed, just don't destroy the building or mr aizawa is gonna kill us..." uraraka explained with very animated hand motions. "the seekers are bakugo, sato, tokoyami, and i! everyone else, you're all hiders! you can team up with others if you want, use whatever strategy you think is best! any questions?"

the seekers started to group up, mina and bakugo especially excited. "i'm gonna kill all you extras!" the lovely bomb claimed. yup that's the whole point of the game, good to know he's got it right.

uraraka smiles and evilly laughed, "your five minutes to hide, starts now!"

the class quickly scattered, mostly in pairs like todoroki and deku, momo and jiro, kirishima with kaminari and sero, tsu and iida, and so on.

shinsou grabbed my wrist, and we decided to head to one of the unoccupied rooms on the top floor. i used the desk chair and propped it against the door knob to keep it closed, and did the same to the other empty rooms nearby by jumping from balcony to balcony until i landed in the room shinsou was waiting in. what? it's so that they won't know right away what room we were hiding in. i don't waste my precious energy.

3 am. - bnha shinsou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now