16 - take all my uwus

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a/n - hi i've never been in a relationship so writing this feels kinda stiff but hopefully it's not too bad!!! you can leave requests for mini one shots between shinsou and (y/n) if you want 🥰 as of now this is the final chapter!!! enjoy💕

(y/n)'s pov - 1:56 pm

it had been a couple weeks since that fateful night. ever since, hitoshi and i have hung out more and become closer, occasionally hanging out during lunch as well. today, for hero training, all might had us divided into four teams of 5 or 6 to track down our opposing team and capture them with capture tape.

we were in gym gamma, the same one that we used right after our hero internships. i was teamed up with tsu, bakugo, momo, and tokoyami. our opponents for this round were kaminari, mina, iida, shoji, and hitoshi.

basics of your hero costume! mainly black so that you can absorb more heat from the sun, (your choice) colored highlights that run up and down your limbs, skin tight for mobility, energy tablets in a belt along your waist, black combat boots, a mask if you want

i began fiddling with the end of my sleeves on my costume, as my group had discussed various tactics to search for our opponents. tokoyami, tsu, and momo were group one, and would go along the alleyways of town in search of the others. meanwhile, bakugo and i would be group two and take the rooftops to search from above.

well, that was the plan at least.

all might sounded an alarm throughout the course, indicating that it was time for us to stop discussing and start searching. group one had started to explore the alleys, and bakugo and i climbed up to the roofs.

but we all know bakugo.

"fuck off you extra, i'll do it on my own." he snarled at me, starting to go ahead of me on the roofs.

i sighed, why did they put me with him??? "we need to work together or you'll be screwed on your own. just work with me for once in your goddamn life!"

as expected, he just ignored me and continued to jump further away into the city. just perfect.

guess i'm flying solo this time around.

i jumped from one roof to another, rolling to blunt my landing. carefully, i ran along one of the pipes and looked around to check for any of my opponents.

"kaminari has been captured." all night's voice rang out throughout the arena, along with a loud boom of a canon? i guess he'll keep us updated in who is still safe. reminds me of the hunger games. (hehe)

spotting movement on a rooftop a couple buildings away, i crouched down to focus on the movement. i sensed who i think was iida, running toward my direction. letting him approach, i edged closer to the building edge to stay hidden from sight. just then, he jumped over where i was hiding, and i pounced. while he was in the air, i popped up with the tape in my right hand. he didn't see me, so i used the element of suprise to my advantage. i tackled the blue haired boy, and we fell onto the concrete rooftop. he had used the momentum of the fall to his advantage, kicking me off of him so that we both landed on our backs, except i practically bounced onto the soles of my combat boots skillfully.

"yaoyorozu has been captured" with another canon boom echoed throughout gym gamma. i cringed a bit, knowing that the team of three must have come across several others of our opponents.

i twisted to the side so that i could see iida, and i used my quirk immediately, sending a burst of electrical energy toward the teen. he escaped half of the shocks, but staggered a bit while getting back up to face me. using his moment of weakness, i lunged and stuck a piece of the sticky tape onto his left arm. i kicked the back of his knee in, and his leg gave in to the force. he swung his opposite arm, and landed a firm blow to my stomach. wincing from the pain, i pushed the boy onto his back with my right leg, essentially a sparta kick into submission. i put all of my weight onto the leg that was in the middle of his back, adding just a small smidge of gravitational energy to keep him in place.

3 am. - bnha shinsou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now