14 - hair brush

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(y/n)'s pov - 11:43 pm

there was a knock on the door, and i opened it to see shinsou with his hands in his pockets. "coffee's on the table." i gestured toward the desk, and headed back onto my bed. "have you ever seen (favorite anime)?"

"nope. though it's on my list to watch." he grabbed the mug of coffee and let it slide down his throat in a couple seconds.

i followed suit with my own mug, "oh we are definitely watching that tonight." i grabbed my computer off my desk and brought it closer to us, and put up the first episode.

we sat on the bed, with shinsou on my right. i started up the episode, happily humming along with the theme song.

a couple episodes in, i found myself staring at the purple boy. my eyes moved up to his messy, yet charming, hair that just flopped around.

"hey... uh, can i brush your hair?" i asked with a small smirk gracing my face.

he turned his attention toward me for a couple moments, looking at me with a strange emotion before simply replying, "sure why not."

i bounced a bit in excitement, and he moved a bit forward to sit almost in front of me. reaching my hands up, they softly found their way into shinsou's wild purple hair.

"oh my god it's so soft!!" i squealed as my hands continued to move through his hair. my heart started to pound again as i realized what i was doing. ever since that night on the roof, my heart kept beating faster around shinsou. fuckfuckfuckfuck. yet at the same time, i couldn't help myself from running my fingers through the somehow silky smooth feeling.

without either of us realizing, shinsou had started to lean into the touch, closing his eyes unintentionally. his face painted pink, although there was no way for me to see that.

"can i style it for you?" i asked, leaning my head towards his ear.

he shrugged, "i guess."

joyfully, i hopped off the bed and grabbed a matching purple scrunchie and my hair brush. this time, i sat in front of shinsou so that i would be able to properly do his hair. i placed my laptop into his lap (wow who would've guessed) so that i could sit directly in front of my uh victi-test subject.

i gathered his bangs and other bits of the front of his hair, brushing it to make sure it would look smooth with no bumps. carefully, i tied it up in a mini ponytail with the purple scrunchie i had grabbed.

third person pov

(l/n) didn't notice, but shinsou had stopped watching the anime awhile ago. his attention was turned completely to her. when she was running her fingers through her hair, he couldn't help but not want her to stop, and long for the feeling again when she did.

as she was in front of him and fixing his hair, he had tried his best to focus on the anime. once again, he tried his best. but failed. somewhere along the line, he had turned his gaze up to the grinning (l/n) who was in the process of doing his hair. she didn't notice, as expected, and was completely focused on making his hair look good.

and neither of them noticed the feelings that the other one had for each other.


(y/n)'s pov - 1:42 am

"aaaaaaaand... done!" i opened the camera app up on my phone, and let shinsou use it as a mirror.

he gazed at himself, somewhat satisfied with my work, "it's not the worst." i snapped a picture of him, smirking victoriously.

"hey! delete that now." he demanded me, and i shook my head no. i saved it onto my cloud account, just in case he managed to do something. "(l/n). delete it."

i knew that if i answered, he would just use his quirk against me to get what he wanted. instead, i shook my head again, and started to run out my door.

bursting into the hall, i ran toward the stairs to escape the boy chasing after me. "(l/n) come back, what if aizawa finds us?" not today shinsou, you aren't getting me to delete this.

as i rounded the corner, about to reach the stairwell, i turned back to see shinsou running toward me with his hair still in the pony tail. i smirked, and raced down the stairs.

still a bit out of energy from today's training, and slightly sore, we were both a bit slower than usual. but the adrenaline rush kept us both going.

i reached the bottom of the stairs, and went out into the ground level floor of the building. since it was the common area, there were many different rooms and therefore, hiding areas for me to exploit.

it was like hide and seek tag all over again. only this time it was shinsou chasing me.

he had finally caught up to me in the kitchen, and was giving me a crazed grin that matched aizawa's.

then, i sensed an energy coming toward us after entering the front door. aizawa. i grabbed shinsou's arm and pushed him under the table with me. not the smartest hiding spot, but he shouldn't be able to see us in the dark with the chairs around us. the tired boy tilted his head to the side in confusion, and i placed a hand over his mouth to make sure he was quiet. i pulled the chairs in to make them all appear pushed in.

just then, mr aizawa had entered the kitchen and shinsou's eyes widened in realization. i kept my hand secure over his mouth, as mr aizawa had sauntered past. luckily for us, he simply yawned and left, probably going out to check the halls next.

once i was sure he was gone, i let my hand fall from his mouth, and a slight yet quiet laugh slipped out of my lips. he stared at me in astonishment, "how can you laugh at this?"

i covered my mouth to stifle my laughter, "it's kinda funny huh?" casually, i slipped out from under the dining table, pulling shinsou's wrist along with me.

"you're an idiot."

we started to head back up to my room, carefully avoiding mr aizawa. on our way, i pulled out my phone and changed shinsou's profile picture under his contact, "you're never getting me to delete that photo since i just saved you."

word count - 1095

3 am. - bnha shinsou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now